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Avatar the Last Airbender The Rise of the Fire Nation |Started| [Basic] (PG-13) {No longer Accepting}


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Michiga sats down on the warm sand he tough... "If i find Kaze and he give me the location of this place , i will leave it alone those people are too slow ...... " He felt a bit sorry , he tough about Selene , how he fough the first time with her and how she got stuck in the ground , Michiga laught but looks then again at the sky with a sad look "Mom.....i will save you ... don't worry " ....

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OoC:Jonny my character is a girl!


IC: "Well do you have anything for it?" "Yes we have a few medicines she will have to take but we can cure her." "Good. Also Show him where we are I have no idea where we are either." Kaze asked him. "No I can't sorry. It is against very srtick rules to reveal the location of our tunnels."

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Miciga got the compass "finaly" he whispered , he quickly sneaked outside climbed in one of the boats and left . "Sorry people im really sorry" he tought......



On the ground by the inside of the tunnel there were a letter on the ground

With "I hope you people can forgive me" on it and also "I love our fight Selene , hope i gonna meet you again .

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"I put a few medcines on the bed thst you will have to take." Kaze walked off. "Okay Michiga ready for some more Sandbending?" She looked down and found the note.


I hope you people can forgive me. I love our fight Selene, hope I gonna meet you again.




Kaze ran off to Selene and said only two words "Michiga's gone."

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Selene got a strange feeling. She had this feeling once before... inside that teahouse, when michiga left. What if he...? "Damnded you!!!" Selene runs up to the boats. At least she realize that they are in a sandbender-camp. And of course her thougths were rigth. She runs towards the glider, using some fire to increase her speed. Like a rocket she flys toward the glider and jumped up to it.

When she touched the glider she feelt weak again, and grab a piece of glider to keep herselve on her feets. "Dont you... Dont you know that you still have to pay me some tea?" she says smiling.

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Ooc : huh , i left 30 mins before :P so you can't catch me that fast




Ic : Michiga was gliding to his destination : The Great Divides , when he finaly arrived he hides the boat under sand and trow his food away (cause the bugs are attired to the food) And begins to climb down , there....by the bugs.

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OoC:I said you were accepted.


IC:"Well I couldn't just let you two leave without me could I?" Kaze said smiling. "I think he probably left without us because you are sick and we could have stayed there a few more days." Kaze got to the Great Divides finally. "Well, here we are" Kaze said to Selene.

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Taven watches as the General fall and jumps thinking he wins. Tiberius on the other hand, notices that general is bleeding and runs to his aid. "Medic!!! The general is down. I repeat the general is down." Taven joins his brother after he realizes the general is hurt and helps out in anyway he can.

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The medic picked up the general and carried him into a first aid tent. "Hey look at the general." People whispered as he was carried past. "Once inside they found the cut on his neck and quickly bandaged it as the rumor spread everywhere that the little recruit Taven defeated the general and wounded him. (And that was a BIG deal)




Kaze created a large slide down to the bottom. "I love Earthbending. C'mon." Kaze motioned to the huge slide while sitting down.

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