ArtemisFowl Posted November 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 Kaze smiled and said "Well have you ever had any medicine that tasted good. Well atleast you got some of it. We might have to stay here another day before you will be better." Kaze set down a pouch of water beside her. She turned to Michiga and said. "Sure I don't have anything else to do." Kaze and Michiga both walked back outside but this time with a supply of water. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 Sheng then slept in his bed at the Earth village. "I'm so tired." He yawned as he went to sleep. He dreamed of mastering all 4 elements and their side elements if they're any. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horologia Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 "Im allrigth, i just need..." She breaths, trying to stand up but falling down again."Peh... Okay at least im going to be quite..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otaku-sama Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 Chyou jumped around on the rooftops of Ba Sing Se, not causing any disturbances beside the few disturbed birds here and there. She eventually got to the threshold of the palace of Ba Sing Se, the palace looming on top of its hill. "Teehee...Target found..." She scouted the area around the castle and noticed there was no cover for her to sneak into the palace. "Hmm...No way I can get in without being noticed...Gotta wait till Sozin's Comet to get past the guards..." OoC: I am going to assassinate the earth king, if you approve of this Oh Exalted One ArtemisFowl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 (>.<. Yeah I don't see why not that will just add to the choas. Good) Kaze saw Selene fall right before they went out and she walked back over to her. "Are you okay?" She said kinda motherly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 OoC: You could send us to Omashu with everyone else as the military leader. Tiberius looks up at the man who had the smug grin on face and said "Yes we would like to join the Army. I am very good at strategy and I'm a decent earthbender, which would make me a good officer. My brother also wants to be a soldier. He is a good earthbender and is always open to learn new techniques." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 "Show me what you got kid." The man said curiously. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 The castle was in a ruckus as Klfa saw guards, tracker, and other faces hired by his parents to find Llfa and Jlfa. "As always...they never come to me." He walk into the library. A few hours later he had a bag and items. "I find them, but they won't even know I gone." Klfa walk out of to the castle gates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 "Go ahead big bro," Taven says. "Show him what you can do.""With pleasure," Tiberius with a smirk on his face as he gets into his fighting stance. "Ready when you are sir." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 The guy shrugged and got into a battle stance. A few other people gathered around to see what was going on. "Go ahead." He siad smiling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 Tiberius looks at his opponents stance. Grinning he rushes his opponent at full speed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 11, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 The general made a wall of rock to block him. Then he made 5 medium sized rocks float up to get ready to attack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted November 11, 2009 Report Share Posted November 11, 2009 Then all of a sudden Tiberius disappears under the Earth and reappears behind the general. Using his legs He trips over the general and as soon as he is on the ground locks his hands and feet in place. Then Tiberius whips out his knife and holds it to the generals throat and says "I win." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Sheng then woke up from his dream and had heard that the general was attacked and went outside to see what was going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 OoC: You can't do that. NO going unerground and popping up somewhere else. Even if you did that where did you get the knife if you underground being pressed against rock your body would be chrushed. IC:The general twisted his head and trhe rocks that were floating hit Tiberius and struck the knife out of his hand the general twisted his head again and the earth binding his hands and feet disappeared and he roundhouse kick Tiberius in the side knocking him onto the ground. THe General jumped up and binded his body completely even his forehead. "I win." He said grinning. He let the kid up and said, "Your pretty good with a little work and a lot of practice maybe you could last a minute against me." grinning. He used a boulder to push him up. "You are hereby apart of this army."Sheng then woke up from his dream and had heard that the general was attacked and went outside to see what was going on. OoC:First your in a village know your in the army?!?! This is the last time. One more mistake and your out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Sheng then went into the Kingdom and saw the general and a kid. "Guess general here starting his army again?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 "Now hurry Kaze learn me those sand bending tactics and we need to go directly when Selene feels beter , Okay?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Kaze made sure Selene was okay for now and told the Sandbenders to get her anything sje needs before followed Michgia. "Okay Sandbending is pretty simple when you think about it." Kaze withdrew her fans and raised a small bit of sand. "Just think of sand as a million tiny rocks. For now if I were you I would just push the sand together but once your ready you can compress the sand so much until is merges together into a rock." She said holding up a rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 "Alright " Michiga concentrated himself and took some sand in his hand , the sand begins to move but and to push together its a like clay now "Dammit!" he trowed it away and took another sand , He concentrated even more ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damiano Tosē Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Sheng then left and walked around the village and yawns. "I'm so tired." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted November 12, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 "Calm down. Nobody can do it on there first try. The key is to concentrate. It is usally easier to merge sand if you can merge rock first but it's your coice." Kaze said to him like she was teaching back in Ba Sing Se. Let's say 4 days left before the Fire Nation attacks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otaku-sama Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Chyou left the rooftop where the palace was visible to go gather supplies she would need for her mission. Dropping down into an alleyway, she landed on the back of a vagrant who had made his home in this alley. Before the man could realize what ha happened, Chyou had already snapped his neck, leaving him dead on the floor. She went through the body of the vagrant, taking his knives and his robes. She put the robe one and walked out onto the street. She walked past a fruit stall, pocketing one of the large oranges from the stall. She then made her way into a weapon shop. "What's a 'lil girly doin' in a place like this?" asked the shop owner who leaned over the counter to get a look at Chyou. "I'm looking for a high quality short sword good for close combat. Give me one or I'll kill you," Chyou said simply, her normally cute eyes filled with the coldness of a war criminal. "Oh ho! So the 'lil girly gots some attitude! Now go back out to you mommy and d-" The shop manager's words were suddenly cut. He then realized he had a knife hi his neck. He promptly fell down dead. Chyou casually walked around the shop, pocketing knives and a very ornate short sword before walking out. She strolled back to the palace, whistling casually as the screams of panicing townspeople began to fill the air. OoC: Pretty bad@$$ for a 9 year old huh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Ooc; Wtf 9 years? Oo noooo, waayyyyyy Ic : Michiga begins to concentrate again .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 OoC: I've seen that in one of the episodes. Why my character lose the fight he could easliy win? Second question, if my knife was pressed against the general's neck, how would he be able to move without getting cut? But no matter I'll roll with it. IC: Tiberius brushes off the dirt and bows in reverence to the general. "Thank you General. I will wear the uniform proudly. Well Taven, looks like your turn. With any luck, if you don't make it into the army at least you could go to school here. Don't worry about it, Just focus on doing your best." Taven looks at his brother with a weird expression on his face. "But if you can't beat him, and you would have if you hadn't gone easy on him, How can i beat him?"Tiberius says "Just do what Dad has taught you to do and focus. You can beat him, just believe you can." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rook Bishop Posted November 12, 2009 Report Share Posted November 12, 2009 Ooc: o_o....My character need to avoid her. Llfa was sleeping in a tree until he woke up. He travel till he got to a small village. "I think I should ditch the royal attires." He found some clothes hanging put them on leaving a small token for it. He was alleyway when he was surround by thugs. "A new face? As helper of this town, you have to pay us." Llfa smiled. "The stupidity people have." Jlfa was in the Fire Nation terrority. "Now I need to find them." He continue to walk in the burnt forest. Klfa was sitting in town in a corner. "Maybe this isn't a good idea. I all alone now." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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