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Avatar the Last Airbender The Rise of the Fire Nation |Started| [Basic] (PG-13) {No longer Accepting}


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"They are firebenders?!" Selene understoods his plan

"But i think its stupid... Really stupid... What if...?"

Selene saw Michiga smiling

"Dont you think im afraid of doing this! Its just..."

Saw him smiling even more

"Damned you... Im going to do it"


OoC: Well, for now im going offline soon ^^

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"Whoa, whoa I don't think this is such a good idea" Kaze intervined. "Remeber that the only girls in the war were the top of the line they won hundreds of compitions and contests of strengh. Not that your weak or anything but I don't think it would work. Also your sick, stop denying! I think we should first is to get you some medicine."

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Kaze smiled at him. "Most people think they are always alone when in the desert but I know better." She withdrew her fans and moved them in a U-shaped motion as the sand started to rise and fall. Up. Down. Up. Down until there was a sound of rushing wind amd came up three sand sailors being pushed by tornados of sand with strange people wrapped up to keep the sand off. "Who calls upon the people of sand?" Kaze replied "I the one who has felt the sand and obeyed it." They nodded and she continued. "We are in need of medcine for our sick friend." She motioned to Selene. " And needed shelter for he night to wait for the Fire Nation." "Get on and we will help." Kaze hopped onto one of the sailors and said "Come on we can trust them."

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Ooc: we somewhere in a desert now xD and some desert benders gonna take us to their village now



Ic : "Wow" Michiga was looking facinated at the Desert benders "He never saw them before "Well eh..... He then climb in one of the sailors and said excited "Cool man , Is that thing fast?"

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Tiberius and Taven walk towards Ba Sing Se military base. Upon their arrival, They look at the amazing skill of the warriors. They walk up to the man who appears to be in charge.


"Are you the one in charge of the Earth Kingdom Military?" Taven asks.


OoC: ArtemisFowl are you doing the non playable characters or NPCs for short or do we have to make them up ourselves?

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Selene wakes up again...

"Oh my god... Looks like i´ve gone crazy... I could swear we are on a boat... But this cannot be..."

Suddenly she grabs Michigas robe.

"Please... Dont leave me... alone... I´m..." before she sleeps again.

She was talking cause of her fever (OoC: How do you say this in proper english ?!? XD)

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OoC:I dunno lol. Also Luffy there shouldn't be a millitary base but whatever


IC: The man looked down at the two boys with a very smug look on his face. "Why are you here?"




Kaze swooped down beside Selene and felt her forehead then said "We have to hurry. She having hallucinations." Kaze looked at Michgia "I can teach you sandbending right now." Kaze took a position beside the sandbender making the tornados. "Don't stop!" She said to him. "Now just think of the sand as tiny rocks. No matter how big or small it is it is still rock. Now use te sand they are already bending and just push it in a cirular motion." While she was talking she as pushing the sand tornado and the sailor sped up aheasd of the rest. "Now you!" Kaze called out.

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"Alright! " He tries to rotate the sand but he accindently blow the sand tornado up "Oops , let me try again" He concentrated himself and tried to rotate the sand , This time he did it , He made a small tornado but not as fast as the others but he was proud of himself "Yes i can sand bend!" said he excited.

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Kaze looked at Selene sadly. "Oh Dear." Kaze says to Misigha (or watever) "good job but this is one of the most simple moves you can you. Suddenly they stopped in what seemed the middle of nowhere. "Here?" Kaze asked. The sandbenders nodded and started to push out the sand like a waterbender would do to reveal a labryith of tunnels. Everyone jumped in and they walked a small while before making it into a huge chamber. "Here lay here ." One of the Sandbenders said to Selene and motioned to a bed. ",While we get the medicine." A minute later they came back with bottles of various liqueds in them.

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OoC:Then you should post your name in your posts. And you posted Kumara again


IC:Kaze told the sandbender "It seems she is having hallucitions and she's burning up." The Sandbender nodded and gave Selene a small bottle of reddish juice. Kaze gently shhok Selene awak and said "Selene wake up! You need to drink this."

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