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Ask the wolf a question. Ask a stupid question and you get your arm bitten off.


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What would you do if you son was at home,

crying all alone on the bedroom floor cuz he's hungry

and the only way to feed him is to

sleep with a man for a little bit a money

and his daddy's gone

somewhere smokin' rock now

in and out of lock down

I ain't got a job now

so for you this is just a good time

but for me this is what I call life.

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  'Dismal Euphony said:

What would you do if you son was at home' date='

crying all alone on the bedroom floor cuz he's hungry

and the only way to feed him is to

sleep with a man for a little bit a money

and his daddy's gone

somewhere smokin' rock now

in and out of lock down

I ain't got a job now

so for you this is just a good time

but for me this is what I call life.



Then she said

What would you do if?

Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse

What would you do if?

'Cause I wouldn't want my baby to go through what I went through

What would you do if?

Get up on my feet and stop making up tired excuses

What would you do if?

Girl I know if my mother could do it baby you can do it!

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