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Make the world's worst fanfiction game


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His children got maggie and the ferocious beast from when krabs let everyone in and went to the afterlife because thats where nowhere land and they brought in naruto from the dead becaue hes just that awesome. myuki was also pissed at sakura because everyone seems to have forgotten monster reborn was played on her and she killed narutos children and epically slapped the ish out of him

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then A giant trunade and came and swiped up exodia's kids and slifer was sad :( Then Slifer went crazy and started shooting out a binch of Protopets and attacked the village bringing desstruction upon the land. Naruto had no choice but to use his rinnnengan and sealed the egyptian god in his body/ tHEN Vegeta came and said "This can't be!!! He's OVER 9000!!!!!!"

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