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Make the world's worst fanfiction game


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In here, we build a story, one paragraph at a time. And try to incorporate the worst aspects of fanficiton we can think of.


I'll start:



"ouch!" said miyuki as the rock it her arm. "haha" said the other ninja "look at miyuki, shes such a freak!" miyuki wiped tears from her crimson eyes, why do they have to be so mean? she thought. just then a kunai thunked to the ground in front of the bullies. "hey! leave her alone!" came a voice. then naruto jumped down from the tree and chased the bullies away. "hey are you ok?" he said to her.

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then naruto and miyuki got married and had 3 kids: alora, who had beautiful blonde hair and the power of the nine tails fox, kushite, who had jet black hair and was really good at charaka manipulation, and hanna, who had the ability to use any bloodline power. this is because of the special stone that their mother miyuki had, that was handed down from the 1st hokage who was miyuki's father but she doesn't know that.

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and miyuki said i love you, Naruto and then she went off to find the person that killed her mother. His name was Choi Ancer, but she didn't know that so she went on travelling for 5 days and then she got tired and sleeped under a big tree but it wasn't a tree it was a big monster plant jutsu.

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When Naruto realised that something was wrong, he went looking for her. He saw some footprints and followed them, but found that they led to the akatsuki hideout. He went inside, thinking that he could beat everybody up all by himself, and saw his wife backhanding Orochimaru across the face.

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but then sasuke pulled out a deck of yugioh cards with one hand and with made an instant chidori. Lets kick this duel into overdrive as he speed his Super bike around the Akatsuki hideout and to Konoha and first turn summoned red dragon archfiend. I got hot wheels, beat that!

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Suddenly because of a solar elipse random disney characters came into the scene and Sora donald and goofy followed. "We have to seal the world" Sora glanced at Sasuke and yelled "A heartless" He began recklessly attacking and Sasuke beat the crap out of him. With a quick give me strength Sora became a fairy because of a drive orb he got from tinkerbells world of fairies and all his outfit was pink and Sasuke got a nosebleed for being perverted.

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miYUKI DEN WRAPd HER hands around sasuke's head and placed a headband on Sasuke's head who had just got trapped in a genjustu that Tsunade was pulling while Joey was in the midst of summing flame swordsman. Sasuke and Naruto's forehead protector began to move closer and closerto each other until they were millimeters away from each others faces. "Whew good thing we didn't kis again" Just then Miyuki looked at sasuke who then proceed to kiss naruto. But then sasuke revealed his trtue form of Sephiroth and put on his hollow mask and then proceeded to make out with naruto some more. "Calgooon Take me AwaaaaaaaaY!!!!!!" Just then Captain jack sparrow appeared.

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