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A Club Pikachu exclusive RP: Terminus Vita (Advanced | PG-16 | Started)


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As the legion of dead roared in unison for the King, or General in this case, the General glanced at Kobold, who wished to have the privilege of being High Inquisitor for the Legion of the Dead. The General sighed, and granted the desire. "Very well. You may have the rank of High Inquisitor. However, if I see any, and I do mean, any, mistakes that are proven minor or major, you will be cut from the job. Do you understand Kobold?"

Soon, from behind the throne, a kid strapped as much as possible, and chained up appeared. "Hey, when are we starting? I'm getting bored now." the General laughed. "Patience my child, all will begin soon. The war will start very soon, and you can shed as much blood as possible. But remember, you should share some for the rest of the army. Right Xoier?"

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Charon began to get ready to leave the area from the orders given. He looked around and saw the kid that was chained and strapped down and walked back to the leader of the zombies, "Sorry, but what are you doing with this kid sir?" he asked in a deep toned voice.


Hanzo took out the sword from its Scabbard/Sheath, he looked at the blood that was on the blade which wasnt exactly red and took out a cloth from his pocket. He stood up and walked to the side of a bin that was in the office and began to wipe the blade, any blood that would drip of would drip into the bin and looked around at the others, "Its a dirty job but it needs to be done".

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Before the General could answer, Xoier laughed. "He's not doing anything to me. In fact, if you want to know about these chains, I need them." The General looked to Xoier, and sighed. "This, 'kid', Xoier, is one of our most important commanders. Not only is he extremely powerful, he's very dangerous. If we wanted to, we could send him out alone and leave you all here. You would probably get in his way if he didn't care who died. Then again, he really doesn't care who dies at all."






"A dirty job indeed. And you're right. It has to be done. That is why we are the only ones who can do it. And the others who we are waiting for. If they don't show up in time, they'll miss the briefing for the first mission." The General sighed. He took another cookie from the jar, and placed a lid on it, and took it to his desk. "We got 5 minutes till briefing. In the meantime, you two can get to know each other. I have some documents to fill out."

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Hanzo had finished wiping his sword taking of all the blood and walked away from the bin and turned around chucking the cloth into the bin “Got it”, he said and sat down on the chair next to Zeke and Drake, he looked at the clock and then shook his head and faced the others “Did you lose anyone that was close to you during the attacks from those zombie’s he said to both Zeke and Drake.


Charon nodded his head, “Well, if you say so”. And sat down picking up a spider on the ground and put it in his mouth, “Im hungry and there is nothing to eat except for insects”.

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OoC: Eye disease gives me no right to post :(




Groaning out of his coffin, Reminiscence looked around after 51 years. "S..trange.." He knows everything before his death, but what he was looking at was nothing like before. "I..fe..el..ha..te..I nee..d reveng..e..." Staggering, he couldn't control his walking properly, as half a century of rest is coming to him. "Victim..", he uttered, trying to find his first target. He walked around with his torn funeral clothes, trying to find something that could help him. After a good 30 minutes of walking, he found what looked like a decomposing army. Looking closer, they looked like him, rotting flesh, maggots, decomposing clothes, and gleeful for a chance for another life.

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Hanzo had finished wiping his sword taking of all the blood and walked away from the bin and turned around chucking the cloth into the bin “Got it”' date=' he said and sat down on the chair next to Zeke and Drake, he looked at the clock and then shook his head and faced the others “Did you lose anyone that was close to you during the attacks from those zombie’s he said to both Zeke and Drake.



Drake looked at him. "I lost my mother. I don't know what happened to my dad. I was hoping he'd be here."

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