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A Club Pikachu exclusive RP: Terminus Vita (Advanced | PG-16 | Started)


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Name: Zeke Tranis

Human or Zombie?: Human

Age: 14

Sex: Male


Zeke's parents died when he was only 5 years old. A year later they were revived as zombies and whent after Zeke (Reason unkown). Zeke hid in the house celler were he found the pistals he uses now and a bottle of holly water. He fired at his zombie parents wich had little effect. He dipped the bullets in the holly water' date=' fired and it left a mark the his Zomby pernets. He re-killed them and swore to kill all zombies. he thoght it best to get recruited so he did.


Weapon: Duil Pistal


And a separate weapon creation app:

Weapon Name: Duil Pistals

Weapon Type: Gun

Weapon Description: Two black desert eagle pistals with a silver cross chain hanging off both. If fired water drips of the bullet (They were diped in holly water).

Ammunition: Simple bullets but were dipped in holy water to add streanth against zombies.





I really don't agree. He is a 14-year-old with a gun? And even with the reasoning he gave for obtaining them, it's a bit far-fetched...


I didn't re-read it, I just skimmed, and accepted. =/

Note to self: Re-read everything at least once.

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Name: Charizard.

Human or Zombie?: Charizard =D Human

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Bio: A genius 13 year old boy, This boy can create about many inventions as long as he has the materials, One day his experiment went wrong and corrupted the town with manipulating zombies, He is currently trying everything he can to fix his mistake and save the city from the dangerous zombies.

Weapon: A improved sniper rifle, He made it by himself.


And a separate weapon creation app:

Weapon Name: Sniper 6000

Weapon Type: Gun and Sword

Weapon Description: A improved sniper rifle that shoots out a sword once you press the button on the gun, it can be used once the ammo of the gun is gone.

Ammunition: Since my character can make any lots of inventions, he created a bullet out of steel and glass.

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Although this is an RP, which almost anything can happen, I'd like to make this as realistic as possible.

Meaning, I doubt there is a 13 year old boy with the intelligence Stephen Hawking, and make a gun and ammunition almost out of thin air. And accidentally made a Zombie horde?

I think that's a little extreme, don't you think?


Plus, you have to be a Zombie. Too much humans.

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Although this is an RP' date=' which almost anything can happen, I'd like to make this as realistic as possible.

Meaning, I doubt there is a 13 year old boy with the intelligence Stephen Hawking, and make a gun and ammunition almost out of thin air. And accidentally made a Zombie horde?

I think that's a little extreme, don't you think?


Plus, you have to be a Zombie. Too much humans.


Fine >=O *Blows Raspberry*


Name: Charizard.

Human or Zombie?: Zombie

Age: 20

Sex: Undisclosed

Bio: A former human that was corrupted by zombies, He was forced to attack humans, He was teach'd by the the intelligent zombies. This zombie has special powers that can destroy any metal object, This zombie was a former scientist when he was a human. He continues to attack humans and destroy there Territory's.

Powers: Can manipulate, Can digest a human and can breathe fire.

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This might be denied but I did it quick as my app for a zombie, gtg for now.


Human or Zombie?: Zombie

Age: 50

Sex: Undisclosed

Bio: This Zombie was once known as Tenkaro Akechi, the father of Hanzo Akechi. Before he had died, he put up a great fight against overwhelming odds from zombies. But having past experience, he was able to defeat many zombie’s being a powerful warrior but due to higher numbers, he was beaten and killed. He has been awoken as a zombie with powers of fire and deep in his heart is anger of a zombie to kill anything. He now goes by the name Charon.

Powers: Has the power of fire. Can shoot fire through mouth and both hands as well as putting out fires.

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Name: Reminiscence

Human or Zombie?: Zombie

Age: 108 (Wahahah, Buddhist Reference)


Bio: [spoiler=IMBOSSIBLE]Living, he was by far the most hated human on the face of the earth. He knew he did no harm, but people kept on kicking him, telling him as an outcast, an abomination. At 54, the people decided to get rid of him by burying him alive. Deciding with a fake burial of a common people, Reminiscence looked close to the grave and was kicked down. The grave was sealed and was never heard of again. Until the next 54 years, the Plague gave him life once again. Gripping his decomposing fist, he swore to get revenge on the townspeople that tortured him.




Powers: A special tentacle that when attached to a living head, can send fake memories of heavy torture. Can leave the target in a heavily paralyzed state, giving Reminiscence a chance to attack.

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it'l be ok, just post posts with meaningless desctrptions.

[spoiler=Basic Example]

Zeke sliced the zombie


[spoiler=Advanced example]

Zekes blade glimmered in the moon light. He carefully took position. He the lunged forward and sliced the zombie in half, blood slipping on his blade


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Name: Xeal

Human or Zombie?: Zombie

Age: 32, Dead for 20 hours before zombification

Sex: Undisclosed

Powers: Capable of vibrating his body, which makes him nearly invisible. His blades also oscillate, allowing them to cut through virtually anything. Has to retract his blades to turn invisible. He only has average strength, but has incredibly fast movement and reflexes.

[spoiler=[b]Bio[/b]]Xeal was a normal 22-year-old man, with a desk job at a big business. He was horribly depressed, and after his girlfriend left him, he jumped off of a bridge. Once infected by the plague, his body thinned. All unnecessary fat was burned, and what few muscles he had coiled and defined. His skin became a sapphire blue. He stood at exactly six feet. He was now a thin, strong zombie with retractable blades in his palms. He retained slightly below-average human intelligence, and little memory of his life. He stood from the shore he had awoken from and wandered away from the city.




Name: Drake Firestorm

Human or Zombie?: Human

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Weapon: Sonic Pistol

[spoiler=[b]Bio[/b]]Drake grew up in a small town, where everyone knew each other. He was a strong, smart boy, and though he was popular at school, he didn't consider himself to have many friends. When the plague made it to his town, there were fewer than a dozen survivors. Drake and his mother fled to a nearby city too seek shelter, but were met by a large group of zombies. Drake's mother died, but Drake-through her sacrifice-was able to make it to a shelter, where he met the few survivors of the city, including a little-known inventor. The inventor had a handful of weapons that he had been developing for an arms company. The small group used the weapons to escape the city, until they came across another small town that had managed to fight off the zombies. From there the group went their separate ways. Drake decided to go back to his home town to try and find his father, who had stayed to defend the town. Drake could hardly believe that it had already been two months since he and his mother fled, and how much he had experienced.




Weapon Name: Sonic Pistol

Weapon Type: Gun

Weapon Description: At first glance, appears to be a normal pistol. However, upon closer inspection, one would find that at the end of the barrel was what appeared to be a speaker amp and instead of a magazine, there was a circuit board with a power cord leading to a battery pack. It fires directed sonic charges, equally as deadly as a bullet; however, unaffected by light armor, such as Kevlar, leather, bone, or even chain mail. On the other hand, it has no effect on denser material such as steel and concrete. It has minimal recoil; however, due to the nature of this weapon, micro-fractures are known to occur during continuous use.

Ammunition: A five pound solar cell battery. Powers 2500 shot when fully charged, takes 10 hours to fully recharge from empty. It has a meter on the side that shows remaining energy.

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

He posted 2 apps for a zombie and human.


Oh, I am too sleepy atm... Just woke up lol. Also:


Kotaro, give hm a name, if he has a new one, go ahead, you can even use the one in the bio, just give him a name.


Ramanga, accepted.

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He posted 2 apps for a zombie and human.


Oh' date=' I am too sleepy atm... Just woke up lol. Also:


Kotaro, give hm a name, if he has a new one, go ahead, you can even use the one in the bio, just give him a name.


Ramanga, accepted.


I Didnt think that Zombies needed names. Added a name to the end of the bio for my zombie.

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