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What did the old YCM look like.

God of Cadillacs

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I'll say what I can remember. It wasn't as colorful, there where way less members (in the thousands, not tens of thousands), the person with the highest amount of reps was HORUS with about 40-50, the person was the lowest was Yugiohmasta444 (aka, Goggler) with about -30 (I personally had about 10 was fairly normal), posting cards was easier (you didn't have to open another window to tinypic or photobucket or whatever), and obviously the cards on the card maker didn't look as good. You couldn't change the rarity and they looked a little more blurry. You also couldn't save them in a little folder. If you wanted to edit it, you had to find the pic and write everything all over again. And instead of CPU Quota things (they aren't as common now), there were Error 500s. Those weren't as frequent, but I thought they lasted a little longer.

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dude! i totally remember 'cause it was in the days before i knew there was a forum. i posted some of my cards that i created a long time ago on http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=5360


the cards used to have a Times New Roman Font and all of it looked really crappy (it was funny!). then they graduated to this big and weird font, then they made it too thin, then they came up with what they've got now. Card effects did the same sort of thing... :)


i remember when it was like www.ficati.net or something too, i forget what the actual URL was tho'...


the old thing didn't have rarity or that yellow highlight on the name... and i never looked at the old forum, but everybody got kicked off anyway so it doesn't matter :D


its been so long since then (well, like a year or two actually)i miss the old days when i was too stupid to tell the difference between fonts, those were the good times

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Uh, one off post to enlighten you:


The oldest forum (older than the one Slime refers to) was hosted on InvisionFree, and only a small number of people from this forum, notably Ashes Right Hand, steven, myself, Danilus, maddog15, eminem93, Poc, RyanKoopa, setojim, Falling Pizza and obviously YCMaker were there for different periods of time throughout it's history, some under different usernames.


The forum was created on the 9th of July, 2005 and was relatively inactive for over a year until about August '06 when it slowly started to become popular before being abandoned on the 24th of December last year for this site.


It originally featured only three forums; "Questions, Comment, Suggestions", "General" and one custom card forum called "Created Cards", it eventually expanded to 7 forum, with the inclusion of "News", "Fan-Fic", "Your Deck" and "Yu-Gi-Oh TGC", all added in December '06.


Before it's abandoning, it had 127 members, and now has 146. Only 590 posts were made, 180 of which were by myself, the only person to post more than 70 times. The most recent activity on the forum was when Poc returned to the site to spam it for reasons he is yet to explain.


More on the forum can be found at it's YCM Wiki page, mainly written by myself. It contains basically all the known information about the forum. The page contains a link to the old site, which is still up, but I ask that you do not post, that you do not even sign up to it, just leave it be.



The Top 10 Posters


The Forum Index


Board Statistics Summary*


*Don't ask me why there were 38 people online on the 22nd of Septmember this years as I simply have no idea.


YCM 2.0 Cards:

Frunk's "Little Rubber Cow"


One Love=Yugioh's (Falling Pizza's) "Jonus"


You can see more YCM 2.0 Cards in the Worst Card Poll

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Yes, I am a Guest as I do not wish to be seen as someone who should be contacted anymore, but no, I'm busy with my own forum now, but yes, I do check in occasionally, it is, after all, my duty... Depending on how it goes I may return, but I scroll through the threads in General here and little catches my eye, but this is my area.

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This is spam. Its pointless.


Spam? Coming from somebody with 6 neg reps, which were from spamming and double posting? I think you need to check out the "Definintion of Spam" thread before you decide to call something spam! I should give you a negative rep for this, but I not going to because I'm a better person than that.

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