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=Update: Halloween Marowak= IcySplice Thread


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Guest JoshIcy


scratching is a huge part of splicing' date=' however this isn't a splice, just a normal sprite.


The sprite itself is decent, just basic shading on a basic sprite.


Thanks for the total buzzkill Zeroshot.


Cubone the Ice King! Is awesome' date=' nice job. I wish I was as good as you...


Haha nice name. And it's a splice of Cubone + Suicune + Regice.


It's just... Hard to actually splice all the details in, so I scratched it so I would have room without compensating for shrinking. The Cubone sprite is VERY small. This was the better choice.

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Guest JoshIcy


That splice would have had a lot more details and more things going on. Like a forest made from skeleton sudowoodo, but since I'm feeling like crap I just left it with the splice. Sorry...


Marowak + Moltres + Feraligator + Granbull

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Guest JoshIcy

They're both good' date=' but I don't see how the first evolves into the second.



It doesn't...

Cubone and Marowak just happen to be my 2 favs. So yeah... It's a likely target for my 2 sprites.

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