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1000 Clues that you are an OTAKU


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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Edit your post, Brush. You are 13. And X-31, put 14 before yours


15) You don't watch any show unless you can listen to it in Japanese

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

17) People prefer the anime over you.


Wouldn't that be better worded a you prefer anime over people?


20) You believe that calling foods by their Japanese names makes them better identifiable.

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23) You have an uncontrollable impulse to immediately visualize every situation possible into anime. (guilty)

24) You can survive several months on nothing but Pocky and ramune.

25) You have tried dying your hair the colour of your favourite character.

26) You have tried going Super Saiyan by standing in horsestance and screaming for 6 hours straight.

27) You have a 'learn Japanese' app on your Ipod/Iphone. (guilty)

28) You have used anime or something anime related/inspired in your literature papers. (guilty)

29) You have named your pet after the pet of your favourite character or after your favourite character.

30) You have finished at least 2 different animes.

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  'Otaku-sama said:

27) You have a 'learn Japanese' app on your Ipod/Iphone. (guilty)

28) You have used anime or something anime related/inspired in your literature papers. (guilty)

30) You have finished at least 2 different animes.


How are these signs of being an Otaku?

@27: Maybe you just want to learn Japanese?

@28: Anything can inspire you like that' date=' just because it's an Anime that doesn't make you an Otaku.

@30: Lmao, my friend has finished K-ON!, Haruhi and Death Note because he was bored. He's one of the popular guys. Does that make him an Otaku? -.-



I disagree @ 30. That doesn't count unless the two anime are Inu-Yasha and....something equally stupidly long.



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