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Guess That Yugioh Card (Unoriginal Idea, Tough Riddles)


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[align=center]Before you go away because this has been done before, let me tell you somethin. My riddles will be inventive and interesting, not to mention hard. I will post 2 now, and when the 1st one is solved, I'll put up a new one. We will begin with some easy ones. Gues 1 right, and get 2 reps!


WARNING: The cards will get less and less known and as this continues!


[spoiler=RIDDLE 1 Guessed by sephiron, is Il Blud]Summoned nomally, I am boring

Twice over, I'm interesting

Every turn you gain

Yet when I disappear, my workings are undone


[spoiler=RIDDLE 2]By some I'm thought indestructible

But it's really not true

Though my ATK and DEF and body are big

Even children can defeat me



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