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Field card idea

Kazuki Shuheiwa

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I'm very unsure about what I wrote and I can't find good examples (despite my raiding on the YGO Wikia to find examples...)


Here's what I wrote:


"Increase the ATK and DEF by 200 and lower by 1 the Level of any "(monster name 1)", "(monster name 2)", "(monster name 3)", "(monster name 4)" and "(monster name 5)" you control."


The monster names have nothing in common between them so I can't say "of any "(word)" monster", neither do they have common types.

Help please?

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A suggestion of mine is to pick a theme you really like or one you think needs more support and make it for that, being sure to make it appropriate for the decktype. An example:


The Dark World


Increase the ATK and DEF of all "Dark World" monsters by 300. Whenever a "Dark World" monster would be discarded, it is treated as if it is discarded by an effect controlled by your opponent.

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I get it. You hate DARK and like LIGHT. As much as I agree' date=' making cards just to counter other themes... yeah let's not go there.




He wanted Multiple-Archtype-Related card, this was just an example...


I don't hate cards, all cards are nice, most are beautiful and some are creative (not sure that they are balanced though) - except Harpie Sisters, cause it's art drawing is plain ugly.

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