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Yubel - Terror Incarnate


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with the effect of "Yubel". This card cannot be destroyed by battle. All Battle Damage you take from a battle involving this card becomes 0. If this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by your opponent's monster, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the attacking monster. During your End Phase, destroy all other monsters on the field. If this card is removed from the field, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

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This Card cannot be destroyed by an effect your opponent controls.

The basic ATK and DEF of this Card is the amount of cards in your hand x1000.

If your opponent summons a monster, decrease its DEF by 2000. If the monsters DEF

became 0, its destroyed.


I think the "decrease DEF by 2000 and destroy if 0" Effect is really overpowered


What card would that be? ;)

(Slifer the Sky Dragon)

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Too bad i had a 50/50 chance -_-


  'Horologia said:

This Card cannot be destroyed by an effect your opponent controls.

The basic ATK and DEF of this Card is the amount of cards in your hand x1000.

If your opponent summons a monster' date=' decrease its DEF by 2000. If the monsters DEF

became 0, its destroyed.


I think the "decrease DEF by 2000 and destroy if 0" Effect is really overpowered


What card would that be? ;)

(Slifer the Sky Dragon)



You forgot the part where he can only be summoned with 3 tributes -__-

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  'Horologia said:

Together with the "if special summoned' date=' it remains only 1 turn on the field",

but he is still overpowered



Agreed <.<


But have you seen Terror Incarnate's effect



He can't be destroyed in battle

You take no damage if he is attacked

Your oppoent takes al damage from there attacks

During the End Phase all other monsters get destroyed

When he is destroyed you can summon a new monster


Now you can't say an official card with that effect isn't overpowered :shock:

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Im familiar with his effects i battled this cards often enough X(, a friend of me have all the 3 cards!


But if you summon the first yubel, slifer would destroy it imediatly (Yubels DE: 0-2000 = >0)

So the first card would be destroyed imidiatly (cause of effect! not of battle), so you summon the next yubel. Same again, until all three of them are gone XD


Do you own all the yubel cards?

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  'Horologia said:

Im familiar with his effects i battled this cards often enough X(' date=' a friend of me have all the 3 cards!


But if you summon the first yubel, slifer would destroy it imediatly (Yubels DE: 0-2000 = >0)

So the first card would be destroyed imidiatly (cause of effect! not of battle), so you summon the next yubel. Same again, until all three of them are gone XD


Do you own all the yubel cards?



Yes i do, that was a very cleaver idea then, your wright, he would destroy then straight away, but do you own a Slifer?

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