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How many tournaments have you been to so far?  

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  1. 1. How many tournaments have you been to so far?

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I'll try. ;P

I prefer Appropriate exodia.


[spoiler=Is this inAppropriate? I THINK NOT!]

Appropriate 3

Exodia 5

cup of ace 3

upstart 3

card destruction 3

hand destruction 3

dark world dealings 3

Morphing Jar 1

cat of ill omen 2

tragodia 1

magical stone 1

Bribe 3

eclipse 3

Dragged Down Into The Grave 3

gift of greed 3



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I'm not sure if Bribe is needed, you have only 3 Appropriate and there tend not to be many cards that can counter draw cards anyway, seeing as you're not going to summon a monster very often, and if you do it probably won't have much ATK.

Keep 1 or 2 Bribes, just in case of Dustshoot, but 3 is overkill.

Looks pretty lulzy otherwise.

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Club Name: Does this mean our actual user name? Or the name we wanna be called?

If the first one, it's obvious, if the second, Phoenix

Duel Spirit: Total Defense Shogun (Attack with my defenses)

Card #: 40

Signature Card: Shield Warrior (I guess... if that means my most common card... if not, Turret Warrior)

Also looking for a duel here or over PM.

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