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Last Duel Duel Club - Become a believer


How many tournaments have you been to so far?  

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  1. 1. How many tournaments have you been to so far?

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Then Xion should know that it makes no sense.


Thus' date=' my arguement correct.





the Last Duel part is a catchy title. Duel Club means it's a Duel Club.


Catchy name + a duel club = A duel club with a catchy title!

I'm either really stupid/don't understand your reasoning but I don't see the logic in that... also anybody want to duel?

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AND I have about 40 minutes.

I think I'll think up some new ways for the club to Duel now. Here's one:

[spoiler= SpeedPlay Duel]

Progresses as a regular Duel with slight changes.


1. A specific amount of time is set for the Duel. Both players start with 0 Life Points and gain life points when in real Duweling, they would take damage. At the end of the time period, whoever has the least Life Points remaining wins the Duel.

2. Effects that increase/decrease life points are reversed. (In example, if you have 1200 Life Points and activate Dian Keto, you would have 200 Life Points.)


3. If the Duel dous not last at least 10 turns, the turn player losses. Because of this, a player cannot end thier turn near the end.


4. At the start of the Duel, the amount of time is divided by 2 and each Duelist gets one of the halves. They muust do their total time of the Duel in that amount of time or less, or they lose.



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anyone wanna Duel?



1. When your opponent destroys a card that belongs to you, that card is added to your opponent's hand.


2. All Battle Damage is doubled.


3. Monster's ATK and DEF are switched.


4. Monster can only be played in face-down attack position or face-up defnse position.


5. Instead of switching a monster's Battle Position, you can switch it's face position.



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cards in your DECK.



in my deck i got 40 cards [12 extra' date= 15 side]

and i was working on my Yugioh Network deck erliar, and i think i could use some help [i based it of of a deck i used to have, which dominated at the tourniments at certian shops, where half the decks were extremly over used, that it was unbeliveable.]

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