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Okay with Eccentric Boy *cracks knuckles* he seems like an okay card ... lets see here ... I see that I could discard Dandylion ... I could discard a Dandylion to get 2 Tokens now I have a Level 6 synchro with 2 Level 1 Tokens. Then I could summon a Level 1 Tuner Synchro for a Mist Wurm. The chances are slim but you could have an effective way to Synchro Summon Level 9 Synchro Monsters. Or you could discard a Level 2 monster from your hand for an Ally of Justice Catastor then punish my opponent with DAN Transplant. So a Level 2 Warrior that can be searched out via Reinforcement of the Army. But it's downside pretty much kills the card. It's a "meh"

One problem: You can only summon once per turn, not counting Special Summons.


Yeah, I loked at him and went liike, "OMG(osh)! Way OP'ed!" Then I saw his downside and was like, "Oh. Well then that just makes it UP'ed."

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Alright then let me see what I can do here ... *cracks knuckles then hurts a finger* Ouch. If the idea stays as is of course... Glads aren't as Meta as they used to be.


Anti-Blackwings (loleasy)


Avian Destroyer Unit

EARTH | Level 1


Lore: When this Monster is Summon switch this monster to face-up Defense postion. This monster cannot be destroyed by the effect or Traps. Your opponent can only Special Summon once per turn. During your End Phase destroy all face-up Winged-Beast-Type Monsters on the Field.

500 ATK | 2300 DEF


Anti Lightsworns (lolsome)


Consumer of the Cards

DARK | Level 4


Lore: While this Monster is in the Graveyard, all cards sent from your opponents Deck to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.

1900 ATK | 0 DEF




Tune Breaker

WIND | Level 2


Lore: You can discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard to destroy all Synchro Monsters on the Field.

1200 ATK | 1900 DEF

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One of them is just Dimesional Fissure or whatever removes cards from play instead.

Glads might rise back up with the next banlist.


I'll make the cards later. But I have their effects:



As long as this card remains on the field, monsters cannot be Special Summoned.



As long as this card is removed from play, cards cannot be sent from either players Deck to the Graveyard.



You can reveal this card in your hand during your opponents Standby Phase. If you do, cards cannot be returned from the field to the Deck until the End Phase.



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They don't seem creative lolz ... they just negate the whole purpose of the Archetypes ... in a duel:


You: I remove from play mah supa ultra Lightsworna Negata yo!

LS Player: OHSHI-


You have demolished sworns. Example 2:


You: I summon mah supa ultra Blackwing killa yo!

BW Player: OHSHI-


Example 3:


You: Reveal mah aweshumshauce card of not returning to the Deck!

GB Player: OHSHI-


Some of them actually kill more decks then they should...

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