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Cao Cao was still outside on the ground flat coughing horrible "Grrraa! I'm...getting to..old for this...crap!" He slowly got up then looks around weakly as he walks toward the building stumbling a couple of times. Cao looks around and pushes open the doors as everyone notice him fall flat on the nearest table.

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(> I just found out how the Insanity works, I just need to Get Nokana to Find out somehow <)

{> Eh, Whats This About Insanity <}

(> Nothing, Get back to your Post (Beware, That was My Most powerful Character, XD) <)


Nokana then gained a Smug look on her Face and said "m-m-Selene, That is what Mom said after breathing in the Gas by accident, Then roughly a Minute Afterward, She went Crazy and attacked My Father, You must let us Get rid of that parasite or else you might end up like Mom..."

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"Maybe... somone shall help him?" looking at Cao Cao. After a few while she took him on her back, lying him into the next sofa...


"But... Im fine... please belive me..." Selene sighed. She dont really feel something, but she knows that Nokana is rigth. "But what shall we do...?"

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"We're all going to end up crazy by the end of this...we all need to rationalize with our selves, is there anything wrong, that last fight was the most dangerous we've ever been in, so we can't just go ahead and say we're fine! I almost lost myself out there! you all saw that! are any of us all right? I don't think so."

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Cao Cao breathes in and out carefully as he slowly pulls out as they notice there were multiple giant glass shard jab into his his rib cage "Grraaa! Seriously I didn't plan signing this stupid job as a zombie hunter! Aaaah!" He yelled out everytime he moved as the pain increase.

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