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"We definately need a new base," Dan agreed. "They almost succeded in overrunning the place last night. As for getting to japan, it takes about six hours to fly there in a plane, maybe double that in a helicopter. Besides, who here knows how to fly?" Dan sighed. A ship would be easier to pilot but I din't think we could navigate the open seas. Besides that, who knows if any of the gps satallites are still working. We are practically stuck, both on this continent and in this town. "

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"Yeah... But, i mean, there simply have to be other people, who arent infected! We only have to find them!"

*Selene looks at everyone in the group*

"Im going to sleep now, and you guys should do the same... Day is short, and the nigth belongs to the zombies, so we need all of our power tomorow"

*Selene walks into the livingroom and even before she touched the couch, she is in a deep sleep*

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He looked up at the ceiling for a while, he could hear everyone was resting peacfully for now, he looked up and saw Nokana on Guard, he could hear Michico and Selene calmly breathing as they slept, and he was glad, he knew that if he hadn't gone through all that hell, they may no longer be alive, he knew they could fight on their own, but it was that sensation of gratitude that they gave him that made him smile, like when his family would praise him for a good deed, and how Diane would praise him, how things were, before all of this

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@Seito: The Zombs are still watching you. One of them, who looks smarter than all the other, suddenly gasps, as he sees you opening the car with your key. He tipped at the shoulder of another zombie and quickly they all disapear...


OoC: Please remind, those "zombies" dont look like undeads, they are humans, and still acting like humans. The only thing is, that they have no hairs and look verry pale. And sometimes they move like animals. Just want you to keep this in mind

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OoC: That sounds like: Of course im going to destroy your live, but please dont cry XD


IC: Selene hugs Zak. "I just try to keep things going... but sometimes im asking "For what? It would never be like it was before" you just speak out my mind... But there has to be a way! Something we can do! There has to be something!"

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OOC: I noticed that, but i couldnt find any other way to put it.


IC: He was taken off guard for moment, not being used to being huged, before he answered. "If there is a way, i ...." He looked up at the others. ".....no, WE will find it." He smiled & put his hands on Selene's head. "If im rong, then i will commit Seppuku."

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OoC: Ah! Damnd! Forgott about that you are somekind of Samurai! Now this all makes sense to me ^^


IC: "I think, if we are wrong, there wont be a need to. Its breakfast time... But inside this flat there is nothing eat-able less. Maybe Dan can cook us something?" Looking at the spot dan is sitting

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