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OoC: Lets get it back to daytime, we have gotta stuff to do (And i dont want anyone to die now ;))


Its getting morning again. Slowly. A few of those zombies still try to get inside, but with time they flee from the ligth. Its getting silent again. At least there is peace, but next time they would know where they find a way inside this flat...

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as his breathing slows down he feels something pounding on his chest, the fact that he can feel surprises him the most, he opens his eyes and sees that it was no dream, he had defeated the zombies, but he was still in very bad shape, how he was still alive was far beyond him.he walked to the door and opened, looking back only at the carnage he created."I....need a vacation.."

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"So.. if we cant get to this spot, how would this be usefull? oO?

Whatever, ivé got an idea. We need to rebuild internet. Maybe there are other people who survived?

We have to go to a backpoint of internet connection, maybe the zombies have broken it"


OoC: Rigth, our next adventure will lead us into a dark office building XD

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Nokana then Looked at Everyone and Said "Perhaps, But let me get My Stuff, and some other stuff as well". So with that She went upstairs and Rifled her room for Her Backpack, But Not only She found her Backpack, But she Found a Piece of Steel. She then Sharpened the Steel and Put it On the Very Point of her Umbrella, Making it Like a Lance........

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Dan sighed as he listened to them discuss. It sounded like another active day, filled with adventure and exploration. Yeah. "We need to go in groups of two or more no matter what. What happened to Selene yesterday would have been much worse if she was alone."

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Cao grab the mic again then spokeintoquickly "Excuse me?! Anyone there? I assume that a group of resucer were to resuce me soon?!" He hangs up then grab the raido intercom then walks back inside.


OoC: who the H3ll are you?! Have you post your app? I know, i says that im always accepting people, but at least a app has to be there!

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Cao grab the mic again then spokeintoquickly "Excuse me?! Anyone there? I assume that a group of resucer were to resuce me soon?!" He hangs up then grab the raido intercom then walks back inside.


OoC: who the H3ll are you?! Have you post your app? I know' date=' i says that im always accepting people, but at least a app has to be there!



OOC: I did. Look on page 2 fourth post that's mine and later I was accepted but I didn't reply until someone by the name of Zaneko told me that you did accept my character.

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Cao Cao enter the main lobby of the video store as he walks over to the door as he grab the handle of the door "Forget this! I'm heading out on my own!" He open the doors quickly as he walks out into the sunlight. Cao looks around carefully then quickly run over to his car that he hadn't use for months since the attack.

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