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*Nokana nearly knocked selene down again*

"Patience, No... Why are you crying...?"

*Then she felt this connection, Nokana has build to her. She hugs her and

whispers some comforting words to her*

"Dont worry... Everything would be allrigth..."


OoC: But the completly vanished sunligth calls her a liar. The streets are well filled with shadow,

so the "Zombies" are able to walk free. And they are doing allready...


Dan: Your sensen tell you, that a huge amount of zombies are heading for this appartment, they are quite far away, but it will take them 5 minutes to get here.

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"This is just my worst day ever." he starts running along the way dropping Trash cans hoping they would at least slow them down, he feels himself about to trip several times, but luckily he keeps himself up, he can see the building, and he knows by now they must have barricaded, but he'd rather go against his friends to be let in then go against the horde. as he reaches for the doorknob he feels a sense of relief and in his mind he smiles, he begins opening the door as a hand grabs onto him and pulls him back towards the ground, he looks up and sees three of them have pinned him down as one of them slash at him, he turns to the side, so far only those three, the others are still a few meters away, if he could shake these off, he'd be home free. He moves to the sides, avoiding their claw like hands and kicks one in the face, another takes a bite into his shoulder, but he punches him in the face before his skin breaks to let in their infected saliva, at the last second he drops something, one of his snack cakes, and in a very odd twist of fate, he grabs the cake and shoves it in the third's mouth, as it gags, he rushes inside and locks the door with a deadbolt.he's scared, and breathing heavily as he lies in the ground, but after a while he laughs, with tears running down his eyes."who...who said...snack cakes aren't good for you?"

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OoC: Really detailed and funny ^^ Lets say the zombie has bitten you, but i´ve told, that those guys wont infect you with a bite, so dont worry XD


Joseph: The zombies hit the doors, try to break through. After a while, they left it and look for another way around. You hear them, crawling around the building. So a question: Is the cellar blocked...?

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"everyone else is upstairs.... if they get in...then it's over, we'll be trapped!" he runs towards the cellar to check if the doors are closed, of course they aren't, he runs towards them and is instantly pounced, the zombies are about to enter enmasse when he reaches for a pipe and hits the lock, causing it to break and cause it's heavy doors to close in permanently, leaving him in the room with about 15-18 zombies, he closed the door upstairs, but if even one got through it would be the end, as he walked to the stairs he tore out a rusty pipeline and water gushed out."well, looks like no more baths for us..." as the first one jumps at him Josep swings and knocks him to the side, while he had no formal training he was able to knock the crap out of them, and that was good enough for him."crap...only five down..." at that moment they came at him like a group Josep swung again but only one was hit before the pipe broke in two, they knew that would happen. and for the second time today he was taken down by the beasts, this time they didn't wait as one impaled him with his hand into his shoulder, and again, he lost consciousness, when he looked again, the place was filled with water, but the drain had just been....enlarged and it would not flood, but the zombies there had been torn to pieces."what...the hell?"

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"You have got to be kidding me!" Dan yelled. Was the roof blocked? He hadn't even considered it. He ran up the stairs, taking them four at a time. 'How did I overlook the roof?' Dan thought desprately. He made a quick stop the main room, grabbing the shotgun, some ammo, and his swords. The left the bow sadly, knowing it would be at a disadvantage against a large group. He Ran the rest of the way to the roof and peered over the edge. The zombies where halfway up the building. He was about to start shooting when he realized something, the third floor windows weren't blocked.

He ran back to the stairs and called down. "Josep, get everyone to the first floor! They may break through the third floor!" Dan was starting to panic. Would they be able to survive the night? Even if they did, they may have to find a better protected building to use as their base.

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Dan methodiclly shoot Zombies with the handgun, trying to conserve ammo. He wasn't the greatest shot but he was accurack enough. He heard a scream behind him and saw several Zombies tearing a hole in the roof. "Give me a break!" Dan yelled, frustrated. He ran over to them and beheaded them a few with his swords. He spotted a sword sticking out the hole and figured some one inside was watching it.

Turning, he realized that the rest of the Zombies were crawling unto the roof.

"Damn," he swore quietly. He headed back to the hole.

"Clear the way!" He called down and he leaped in, landing beside Josep. "Clear everything you can from the room." Dan turned and stabbed the Zombies that were trying to follow him through the hole, blocking it with their lifeless bodies. "That should hold them for a while." Dan piled things on his cart and shoved it out the room. When josep followed, he locked the door and jammed it. He sprinted to the roof access and jammed it too.

"I had figured they would break in from the first floor and try to come upstairs, not break in from the bottom!"

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Dan reluctantly gave him one. "I'm better with two swords that one, so you'd better have a good reason for depriving me. Take a gun too. It doesn't maker if you dont know how to use it well. Just as long as you don't point it at a friend!" Dan handed his one of the extra revolvers and two clips. "The guns already loaded. It's got nine shots. Make the best of it."

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"Don't worry...You can get it back when I'm done." he said with a nervous smile."I'm better with two as well." at that moment he opened the door and went inside, he had locked it so at least Dan couldn't enter, he had pushed himself through the sea of undead filling the room, and more poured from the ever-enlarging hole in the roof."so you guys think your number are gonna win? well in this small room...you guys just gave me plenty of targets." he slashes away, and he wouldn't stop until either he or they were dead.

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Dan stood by the door for a while, listen to the sounds of Josep fighting. He hoped that he would come out alive. As Dan leapt down the stairs, he mentaly ran though the capabilities of the group. Takura, the bomb specialist and medic; Michiro, a trained ninja; Selene, smart and capable. Then the affected one; Nokana and her nails, but sensitive to UV rays; Josep and his occasional strength and swordmanship; and Dan himself with his senses and .

This was group that could probably make it out alive. If they got only survive

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Josep was pushed back, but he looked up and saw they were no longer coming from outside? had that been it? no, surely the rest had sensed danger and were looking for another way in. Josep readied both swords and took one deep breath, this was it, if he died he was taking every last one of the damned souls with him."Okay...let's dance." he stabbed the first one as another hopped behind him, they were ganging up on him now, but Ryu wasn't going to lose like that, he extended both blades and started swinging around like if he were the blades in a mixer, slashing a zombie with each pass, the one on his back bit into him, but he took that moment to flip him off his back another zombie stabbed him from behind but Josep simply turned and sliced it's head off.with each turn he gave more attacks were aimed at his blind spots, it had gotten beyond the point of simply tasting his own blood as he could feel his life pass him by with each attack, seeing memories of those that loved him and those that depend on him are the only things keeping him alive right now.With every strike he gave them they slashed him while he looked away, they were outsmarting him while he was delirious, but he was overpowering them, the room was filled to the brim but even then the surviving zombies would not fall. after an arduous fight, Josep looked up as only three remained, as they rushed toward him he stabbed the two to his sides, when he noticed they're plan, the last two had made him attack to the side, while the third stabbed into his chest, he twisted the blade, ending the other two, but this last one had bested him. as he pulled out he felt himself fall back the last one was about to make the call that it was a secure path now, but as he opened his mouth nothing came out, but a bullet went in, Josep used the last of his strength to pull out the hand gun, and fired, ending the attack from above, as he laid there, he smiled knowing he did his part, and he closed his eyes, with an ever slowly beating heart.

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