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More Letter sizes

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Ok so this if for the Card maker

if you don't make cards then don't come here


What i don't like is that in the card maker YCMaker didnt do more effect sizes

so we see effects but they don't hit the borders

Example :



Id like to see the effects hit the borders cos then you can read the effect better


Supporters :







Kazuki Shuheiwa

Matrix Kirby

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Stop making long effects.


And if you're planning to make long effects' date=' Photoshop it yourself to fit.



Haha, nice try. Not everybody has the fonts. And people who try and make long effects actually try to have some imagination. So no, I'm just completely disagreeing with you there.


You don't need to have the fonts to make it fit. I've done it before without any font. Just takes a bit of thinking when it comes to copy and pasting the effect.

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