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and pyramid steps in with clarification, with the name threads

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i think the best way to sort this out is simply set up general format.


1. this should just contain a key word so its easier to search for users.


A| discuss /

B| Spoiler /

C| TGC News /

D| sjs /

E| Meta Decks /

F| Side Deck Tech /


ect (is like 2am where i am so iv missed some obvious mistakes, so mke a suggestion)


2. the second part of the title should contain the topic name. i.e the spoiler you want to discuss e.g crimson crisis.


3. (optional) this should contain if their is a certain thing you want to discuss / point out.




A| Place on a list

B| Banworthy

C| New Ruling



this is only simple but if users used this it may make the forum much more search-able and it will look neater.

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I understand; his idea would be more easily implemented with subforums as opposed to to a complex prefix/tag system.


No, no it wouldn't, it's much simpler tagging the post as it requires little to no effort except for maybe 2-3 extra seconds to post :? Even if Sub-forums were made the problems of not knowing what you are stepping into would still be previlent.

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Guest PikaPerson01

... What?


What's the difference between a Spoiler and TCG news? What's the difference betweeen a Discuss thread and a Side Deck Tech thread? What about discussions that touch upon multiple subjects? (Can't really discuss Ban Lists without going into Meta Decks for a bit. Can't discuss Side Deck Tech without mentioning the Meta you mean for the card to be used for. Etc etc.)


Also, what the hell is an sjs?

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Guest PikaPerson01

SJCs and other major tournaments happen so rarely giving them their own tag would be a waste. Furthermore, wouldn't a majority of the discussion on any SJC also fall into Meta Decks?


I mean, I'm all for making this forum less terrible, but this is really just fixing a "problem" that barely exists.

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soz like i said i did do this just before i went a bed. however if you have better sub parts then please suggest them as i would improve the system.


but the main reason for it was that;


discussion/ could mean a variety of things

spoiler/ could mean anything from structure decks, packs, ect


i think i get what you mean though, as im not explaining the sub-section enough??

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Guest PikaPerson01

I mean like, what the hell else could a topic called "Light of Destruction" possibly contain, other then a discussion or a spoiler set of LODT?


Also, no one should really come here for "spoilers". Manjyoume and Shriek (and even yugioh wiki, though they just steal from the above two) do it already, in an organized method, because their site is mostly devoted to that.


I mean, I think most people would pick up whether a topic was a spoiler for a new pack or a discussion on a single card or archetype pretty quick. Secondly, why couldn't a spoiler list lead to a discussion?


"Oh hey, it's called Blackwing Cannon. I'm betting it's a terrible burn card."

"Burn cards win games mang. Or are you forgetting Dark Strike Fighter?"

"Regardless, they don't need to burn, blackwings are supposed to swarm."

etc etc

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