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Website Design for $600 Contest

Enma Ai

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I suppose it's OK. Better than anything I could make. :)


Thanks' date=' and Nope


120. just a random guess. its epic!




Oh and nice design. Listen to .frission and you'll be all set.




Pretty nice' date=' but for some reason I don't really like, probably because it doesn't really flow, if you know what I mean. It's too bulky. Also, 133 layers, which is half-random half-educated guess.



Thanks, and sort of Close


Its very plain' date=' the style and the font doesn't complement each other. Maybe try another stylish font and you'll sure win...


Anyway, very plain and try to use your own logos cause the icons at the upper right are I think I saw from another site or forum or something... And, try to use different effects in the fonts


Anyway, its good than what I can do...



Thanks, The Icons are from a set which are free to use by anyone


IT"S OVER 9000!!!!!!!

Yes' date=' that is my guess.[align=right']jk



lol, and yeah sort of close.


Website looks nice

Hope you win the 600$


P.S. If you win can you send me some money?

actually can you just sent me some money anyway?


Thanks' date=' and nope


nice. looks really cool. i hope you win!!!




Nmm. as stated it Seems a littl ePLain. Try to burst up da colors will yah ;3


81 Layers


BECAUSE i got a 99 in Science last year [/provesintelligence]


Thanks' date=' and nope


Awsome design dude!!!!




lol good for u leo and yea nice wrk good luk




Very nice' date=' but yea, you're missing the register/help link.






Something about it just bugs the heck out of me.


Me too


Looks unprofessional.








Im going to announce, The real amount of layers in the picture shown is 102. In the PSD im giving out, it will not contain the Search Bar (Its basicly just the same as the login spaces just longer)


PSD will be sent to people who I think were the closest.

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