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Website Design for $600 Contest

Enma Ai

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[align=center]Here is my prototype Website Design. Took me 5 Hours in Photoshop to get this done but I made it.


It is for a Video Sharing Website. Any Ideas / Criticism is welcome. It is the Home Page only.




You may need to zoom in by clicking the image.


If you can guess the amount of layers you will get the PSD. Everything you see their is 100% my own work.


*** PSD is for Learning rights only, It may not be used by anyone as a website Design or an image design (Without my written consent)***[/align]

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I have one fix' date=' it's not GFX related but on the top right where you type in your username and pass, shouldn't you have a link beneath it next to "register" for "lost password or username"?



Requester didnt want that in, He said it would be on a page if you entered the wrong PW.


Good luck. Uh-oh' date=' you misspelled description. O.O


32 layers?




Thanks, It doesnt matter, He will be actually adding a Description their, not the word =D


32!? You make me Laugh once more, More than that!

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Its very plain, the style and the font doesn't complement each other. Maybe try another stylish font and you'll sure win...


Anyway, very plain and try to use your own logos cause the icons at the upper right are I think I saw from another site or forum or something... And, try to use different effects in the fonts


Anyway, its good than what I can do...

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