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Geuss the pokemon, get a rep...


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I know, it's unoriginal, lots of people have this thing but whatever...


Notice: Riddle 9 will not be up for a while...


[spoiler=1st riddle]

I have a friend

I have a forme

In my movie

I wasn't yet born


Answer = Deoxys



[spoiler=2nd riddle]

I am grass

Green as lime

I can fly

And I'm not mr. mime (Obviously. I just had to make it rhyme there...)


Answer: Celebi



[spoiler=3rd riddle]



Answer: Ekans




[spoiler=4th riddle]

Rocky and Superior

Ground and rock

I'm the final evolution

I don't own a lock (again, needing to make it rhyme...)


Answer: Rhyperior




[spoiler=5th riddle]

I am #2!


Answer: Porygon




[spoiler=6th riddle]

My back is the portal to your doom


Answer: Shedinja




[spoiler=7th riddle]

I am two pokemon into one


answer: Metang




[spoiler=8th riddle]

Ssllooww Ddoowwnn


answer: Slowpoke



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