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Yugioh Ultima Academy Part 6 - Threat from the Cosmos ~Started, Not Accepting due to capacity~ [PG-13]


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"You know what?" asked Garnet as they approached the Nano Spacien. It too looked ready for a duel, indicated by the activated duel disk. "I think I shall." She halted in front of it, levitating from the ground. "I challenge you to a duel!" She shuffled and drew five, and then waited for the Nano Spacien to get a move on.

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Garnet drew and glanced at her hand. "First I start with Top Gear Test Track, next I set three face down. Now I set a monster and finish." She waited for the Nano Spacien to make a move; if he thought she would be so easily beaten, he was sadly mistaken. She had a feeling this was going to be an exciting duel.




Garnet - 4000

Twilight - 4000

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Garnet watched Twilight Moss draw. "I'll replace your Test Track with The Sanctuary In The Sky, and next I'll play Kaiser Sea Horse. Now attack that face down card!" Garnet watched as the monster struck her face down.


"I activate Hammerhead! And my face down happened to be Chibi James May, which means I can Special Summon a James May to my field. And since Hammerhead is in play, I'll return Chibi to my hand." Twilight Moss snorted; it was clear that to him that the Chibi was a worthless card. Garnet winced slightly at the lack of power her James monster now had.






"Fine. I set a card and end my turn." Garnet drew, and glanced at her hand.


Garnet - 4000

Twilight Moss - 4000

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"Hmmmmm ..." What Twilight Moss doesn't realise is that I dont need to rely on attacks with this deck... "I'll use Pot of Greed to draw two more." She drew twice and looked at the two cards. "Now I'll replace your Sanctuary with another copy of the Test Track, and now I summon Captain Slow, James May."




Twilight Moss snorted. "Bah! You think you can take me out with a monster like that? I activate Bottomless Trap Hole!" Garnet smiled demonically.


"I don't think so, I activate Seven Tools of the Bandit." Seeing as he had nothing to counter, she continued. "I don't intend to use my Battle Phrase at all. I now sacrifice both James Mays on the field, plus discard Chibi for Dark James May! And since I did that, I'll make all three return to the field, before I tune both James May and James May, Captain Slow, for Captain Slow, Patriot of Spanners. Now I'll return James May and Captain Slow to my field."



[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be Special Summoned by sending to your Graveyard three cards with "James May" in its name from your hand or field. When you do, place 3 Spell Counters on this card (max. 5). Every time you play 1 "James May" card, you can either add 1 Spell Counter to this card or inflict 700 Life Point damage. When this card has 5 Spell Counters, you may remove them to destroy all but this card. When you use this effect, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to half the total ATK of your monsters destroyed. This card can not attack the following turn.





Twilight Moss laughed. "You are so pathetic! Your little army is useless against me!"


"I don't think so. Why don't you have a look at your Life Point counter?" Twilight Moss looked down and froze. It read 0.


"WHAT?!" he cried, shocked.


"Yes ... every time I summoned a James May, I choose for you to loose 700 Life Points instead. And since I summoned those cards so many times .... you lost a total of 4200 Life Points, which means it's game."


Garnet - 3000

Twilight Moss - 0000

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Luke sprang up "Whoa I did not see that coming! Great job Garnet!" he gives her a hug and then backs off thinking she'll hurt him. The moss is anything but happy, in fact, it implodes in on itself and a bigger and darker one appears, nanospacian moonlight moss, the moss vanishes and the weather returns to a clear blue sky

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Garnet grinned. "Thanks Luke. But it looks like we're not done with our enemies yet." She then put her deck away; yet Tiffany's words still rung in her ears. Why hadn't she used her newer deck? Was it something that was holding her back? As she took off her sunglasses, she was glad to have clear vision again.

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Kuro stood on top of the academy as he looked towards the sea, his training with his master, Alexander was very time consuming and had got to the point where he had to miss class as well. Kuro was given an excuse though and apparently it had worked. He then sighed as he thought about the excuse but did not say anything about it to Alexander at the time. Kuro then thought to himself some more. I wonder where Hikari lately, I wonder if she's with Luke now.... He felt sad as he thought.


OOC: Sorry but I had issues and thing I needed to fix both in the real world and on my Rp site, but I'm back now. Only Tues, and Thurs though, for the time being. So What Have I missed?

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OOC: Garnet's just defeated Twilight Moss


"Tiffany runs a Fifth Gear Warrior deck," explained Garnet. "Fifth Gear and Top Gear are rivals, as Fifth Gear started when Top Gear was on the verge of being axed in 2000. It was intended to be a continuation, until Top Gear sprung back and since then they've been considered as rival programs. Tiffany's Vicki Butler-Henderson's daughter (OOC: thats not true btw IRL, I only created her for the purpose of the RP only), and she's been duelling against me for some time. Since I acquired my second Top Gear deck, I defeated her with it and she's told me there's another threat in store, that she's not the last. I just want to know what."

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"Hey AJ, mind if i ask you something?" AJ looked over and nodded to his duel spirit.


"Sure Ruby. What is it?"


"We haven't been active in this story for a bit, and not just you i mean all of the characters Stein controls. Athrun, Damion, Jade, Nightshroud, thise weird guys with the hats......" AJ laughed.


"I get the picture Ruby, but what was the question you where going to ask?" Ruby nodded.


"Oh yeah, since he is never on anymore does that mean he quit?" AJ smiled.


"Well if he quit, how are we having this conversation?" Ruby stared at him for a minute.


"So you mean......we're still in the story?" AJ nodded.


"Ruby, i have a feeling we're all gonna be here for a good long while."


--guys, i'm sry but exams where a total jabroni and so was work, but since i am good and done all that fun stuff, i'm back and ready to set sail (salutes)

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OOC: okay Imma just throw myself back in here <.< I've been having very little time for this, and probably will be having little time during next week as well. Reason? School and what I believe is called a life ;)


Chris and Romeo were standing by the Harbor, waiting for Romeo's parents to arrive. Chris' heart was pouning faster by the minute, he was really nervous to meet Romeo's Parents. Romeo took his hand and smiled reassuringly at him. "Calm down" squeezing his hand a little, "they are parent's not flesh-eating aliens or murderers". Romeo laughed a little and Chris' smiled nervously. He was not fully convinced that Romeo's parents wouldn't kill him for being with Romeo, they were upperclassmen damn it, they could surely kill someone (especially soemone unimportant like him) and get away with it.

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Hikari and Ryu we're in the middle of training, they were back to back, with their books open but their eyes were closed, they were training in the third eye technique, Josep was sitting in a tree napping."Hey Hikari...how long do we have to do this?" she responded."until we can read the page in front of us without opening our eyes." he sighed."crap...."

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The yacht closed in on the island, getting closer to the harbor. Romeo was waving to the boat, the woman in the front waving back, smiling. The boat pulled in and got tied up by the docks in the harbor, the woman running off the boat to hug Romeo. Romeo had let go of Chris' hand before the boat had gotten tied up and returned the hug. "I've missed you Romeo~chan" she said, as she squeezed her child. She was quite young to be the mother of a sixteen year old, she must've been in her twenties when she got him. The woman let go of him and looked at chris, raising an eyebrow. "Is he here to help us with our bags?" she said and pointed at him. Chris made an anime fall and felt like sinking through the ground. Did he really look like the help? Romeo laughed and shook his head, finding it funny that his mother had made the same assumption as himself. "No.. acctually that's my boyfriend Chris" he said, blushing a little.

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Athrun walked out of his uncles class. He had a smile on his face this time, and this was the first time in a while he had done so. "Thank god Joanna's ok. But i still wonder. Raiden had told me about the guy that attacked us. Does he really have some signifigance with this whole thing?" Just then he got an idea. "With all the camera's sis has set up she must have something on these guys." he ran off to locate his sister. Whever she was.

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Raiden bumped into Athrun in the halls he had'nt seen him since the incident with Johanna and since then he had been hanging out with Saph most of the time it did'nt matter to her that he was an android and to be honest it didnt matter to him either "Hey athrun what's going on man?" he asked cheerily with a boyish smile on his face

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Garnet immediately sneezed, and guessed someone was talking about her. She took out a mirror, which showed her brother's reflection. "Typical." She immediately teleported to him, their noses almost touching as she landed. "Woah!" She took a few steps back. "Anyway, did I hear someone looking for me?"

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The woman looked a bit amused and surprised but then shot Chris a kind smile. "So you're the reason for why Romeo haven't called are you?" she teased him, both Romeo and Chris blushing at what she had said. "Mom!" Romeo called out, being embarrassed by what she was implying. That was not a normal thing to say to anyone you've just met, especially not you son's boyfriend, and especially not when her own son was around to hear it. Chris laughed a bit nervously going a brilliant red in the face as he looked away and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry for embarrassing you dear, that's my job as a parent you know" she said, ruffling Romeo's hair. Chris hadn't really thought about it at first but Romeo's mother was really tall.

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