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[1 on 1]Archelaus Won. Please Lock


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He challenged me personally, I accepted. So here goes:


Winner-> 3 REP

Loser -> 1 REP


First to 4 votes.




Check all cards in both players Deck. If there is a Normal Monster Card in both players Deck, this card's effect resolves normally. If there is no Normal Monster Card in either players Deck, this card's activation is negated and it is removed from play. After activation, this card is removed from play and the following effect attaches to the Duel: "Both players Life Points become 4000. Spell and Trap Cards are treated as monsters with 0 ATK and DEF, and are placed on Monster Card Zones. Their effects are still applied. Normal and Quick-Play Spell, and Normal and Counter Trap Card effects can only be used once. Effect Monsters are treated as Spell and Trap Cards, and are placed on Spell and Trap Card Zones. Their effects are still applied. Normal Monsters are treated as Equip Spell Cards. As an Equip Spell Card, the equipped monster gains ATK and DEF equal to the Equip Spell Card's ATK and DEF. Tokens are unaffected by this card's effect. Any cost that is written on a card that cannot be fulfilled is negated."(An effect that attaches to the Duel cannot be negated and becomes permanent for the rest of the Duel.)






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