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[Mutant Ninja Turtle Disc] Don Turtle

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"...from your hand".


Should have been from the deck instead...


PSSST! But than the game would have good water monsters. We don't want that. Think of all the new up and coming Frost and Flame decks. The horror! THE HORROR!


"...from your hand".


Should have been from the deck instead...


Then it would be banworthy' date=' just like Des Frog.



HOLD THE PHONE! You think Des Frog is ban worthy?..... LOLYCM!

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"...from your hand".


Should have been from the deck instead...


PSSST! But than the game would have good water monsters. We don't want that. Think of all the new up and coming Frost and Flame decks. The horror! THE HORROR!


"...from your hand".


Should have been from the deck instead...


Then it would be banworthy' date=' just like Des Frog.



HOLD THE PHONE! You think Des Frog is ban worthy?..... LOLYCM!


I've been lurking the TCG section for some time. I believed the people here already knew how I think and the sarcasm tags were not necessary.


I just noticed Griffin sigged what I said.

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Snake Rain + Salvage makes it not hard to pull this off...the only question really is WHY would you want to do it?


Well it could be lulzy with Big Wave Small Wave but I can't find anyway to make such a deck have consistent results and not seem entirely situational. Though I am slightly intrigued now to look into finding SOMETHING to use with this card.


Also I had no idea LOLYCM was a verb now...

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Guest Chaos Pudding

There are cards that do this card's job better. Now, if there was some sort of Limiter Removal for WATER monsters, then it might have some worth. Late game would make this pretty much a 3 card OTK, but we already have soooooooooooooooo many 3 card OTKs that it isn't even funny.

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