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Longest Effect


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Going for the Longest Effect Here


[align=center]Zombie Ruler, Master of the Crowd

[********] [8]


[Zombie / Synchro / Effect]


1 Zombie-Type Tuner monster + 1 or more non Tuner monsters

This card is also treated as a Warrior-Type monster while on the fiedl and in the Graveyard. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except for Synchro Summon or by its own effect. The ATK and DEF of this card is equal to the number of cards you control x400. When this monster is successfully Special Summoned you can Special Summon 3 "Zombie Banger Tokens" (DARK/Zombie/Level 2/300/0). When a "Zombie Banger Token" is destroyed by a Zombie ro Warrior-Type monster you can draw 1 card or add 1 card from your Graveyard to your hand. This card cannot be destroyed unless 3 "Zombie Banger Tokens" are destroyed. When this card is destroyed by battle you can remove from play all cards you control to Special Summon this monster in face up Attack position. Its original ATK and DEF are treated as 3000. This card cannot gain or lose ATK or DEF after it is Special Summoned by its own effect. You can only activate this effect once per duel. If this card is destroyed by battle and you have already Special Summoned this monster by its own effect you can pay 1000 Life Points to remove from play all cards you control to Special Summon this monster in face up Attack Position. Its original ATK and DEF are treated as 2500. This card cannot gain or lose ATK or DEF after it is Special Summoned by its own effect.

ATK: 0 / DEF: 0[/align]

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Going for the Longest Effect Here


Unfortunately' date=' I think I beat you a few months ago with an entire SET of obesely large cards here (Old topic, so nobody post on the pain of necrobumping). The God of the Afterworld, in particular, out-massives this card.


Not bad card here, though. Still trying to break it down into manageable chunks before I determine how OP it is.

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