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Hiya! im new! i love philosophy!

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Hi there! im kinda new! I just started yesterday!


I had an idea for a card series....i call it.........The Philosophy Series


As i absolutly love philosophy i thought it would be fun to create an enite card series after my idols...the ancient greek philosophers!


Here is what i have for a field spell...


"Universal Thought"

Field spell, While this card is face up on the field, all monsters with the word "Philosophy" in their card name gains 400 atk and def points. Additionally whenever a monster card with "philosophy" in their card name is destroyed by a card effect, you may special summon a card of the same name from your deck in face-down defense position.

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You're supposed to already have at least 1 completed card posted when you post in this section. As for my opinion on your written card, it might be a little too powerful, tho I guess I can't say for sure without seeing what your monster cards can do. That and I don't see how your card has anything to do with thought and philosophy. Sounds more like it should be a deck based on trying to guess things.

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