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Zomog! Its teh calub.. OF REHANDOMNESS! ;D


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[align=center]:L Teh only rule in tahis cluhb is to be rehandom! Taht, Includhes Failium wrahiting. ;D end some othaher stuff.. bahut stihll!


[spoiler=Teh Rahules]1) All YCM Rahules Appely

2) All Calub Rahules Appely

3) Alewayes be rehandom. ;D

4) Dohnt ALEWAYES Tahlk liek tahis.


[spoiler=Mahemberers]Laheader - Codey

Co-Laheader -

Co-Laheader #2 -


Othaher Rehandoms


[spoiler=Entary Fahorm]

[b]Is yahou rehandom?:[/b]
[b]Cahn yahou understahnd mah wrahiting?:[/b]
[b]Is yahou wahnnha bahee in teh calub?:[/b]


That is the and of my random raid!


..and stuff[/align]

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