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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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megaman shot a bullte from his X-buster but for some wired reason, went straight through bass. then he dissappeared. then he shot straight up the clif he was flying over and said, "like my new hologram cloning system? Dr.Wiley gave me an upgrade yesterday. you like?" "sadly, i don't." X said. then he charged his X-buster and prepared to fire. Zero fired at him so he wouldn't be able to move. "take this!" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!

the blast was so loud, it got ben's attention

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Who shall l use besides Rachel?...



Name- Ash Crimson

Game- King of Fighters

Pic- Ash_KOFXI_win_redone_by_SilentAi.png

Powers- Emerald flames, Iori's violet flames

Weapon- Yata mirror

Bio- A young man in search of more power, he finds strong opponents and steals their powers with his mirror.

Side- Evil


He's not gay, he's metrosexual XD

Easily the BEST fighter on KOF.

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Isaac noticed the multiple moves, and glared in hate. All he could think of was his homeland now, how the bringing of Alchemy destroyed it. Why do these people celebrate it so much? "No matter..." he said, raising his blade. "I will have my revenge. Soon enough." Isaac struck his blade into the ground, and a low rumble was heard. It started to get louder, then finally, it released and the earth shook violently.


All flying or levitating were pulled to the ground to be struck too.

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Snorlax turning into ditto just before it hits mewtwo the earthquake hitting them. "hmm.. there is someone else here, so i suggest you all get off MY ISLAND!!" he yells angirly. he throws bens one way Yukari another direction. He throws multiple sharp objects torwards both of them. Charizard falls laying down asleep ditto turning to a Darkrai and using Spacial Rend, removing the iland from that plane of existence ben and yukari not abl to get to it now without dimensional teleporting.



ooc: lol am i the only bad guy on this or sumthin? lol you all attack me...

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ooc: you guys seem to only try to attack me, so iisolated myself and my army of pokemon in pokeballs in the dimensional rift of palkia


IC: Mewtwo sees two pokemon fighting a Dialga and a Palkia. he clones another ditto at once his two dittos turning into those pokemon who he then clones the ditto ones making proper versions(if you explanation how pm me XD). his Dialga and palkia walk out ditto turning back to ditto. Palkia uses Spacial rend taking the island to floating above Remilia'smansion a darkness surrounding it which turns whoever goes in to go back out after a while of moving. "now to find some suitable clone targets" mewtwo says teleporting to just outside the black aura.

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Ben is picked up psychically as mewtwo spots him, pulling him closer and using disable to hang him int the air unable to move. "why do you keep attacking me human?" he asks angrily. a piece of bens hair is took and gave to another mewtwo which appears then teleports back putting it into the cloning machine.

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(> Lol, You're an Idiot, You do Realize that Your Island is Now in a Major Danger Zone <)


Yukari Felt a Disturbing Presence in Gensokyo, She Warped herself There by Creating a Tear in the Boundary Below her, Dropping in, She warped to Remilia's Mansion and Looked Up, seeing The Island, Yukari Teleported inside the Mansion to Warn Remilia, But as she Did, A Massive Spear of Red Energy shot out the window of The Mansion and at Mewtwo, And Unfortunately For Him, Flandre was Riding it......

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"You started this, OK?" Shouted Ben as he turns into the Heavy Cannonbolt. Heavy enough to counter a Psychic.


"Cannonbolt Cannonball!" shouted Cannonbolt as he rolled into a ball and struck Mewtwo hard. Cannonbolt was so heavy, Mewtwo can't use Psychic Powers on him to carry him. Roll roll troll. He struck Mewtwo hard, alright.


"And did I mention that that was the Vampires' home and not yours? There. Ya know. The place you... How do I say that? Nevermind *Punches Mewtwo very hard*."

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ooc: your not meant to script tha action XD


IC: Mewtwo flies back a small bit, the other one appearig with another ben with the omnitrix with deep black hair. the ditto(mewtwo dissappears). The clone ben takes off a part of the omnitrix and transforms into a stinkfly with Fourarms Strength. it dives in and grabs Cannonbolt. "oww.. you fool, desist on i shall be forced to send you back, and make you DIe in the explosion that became existence" mewtwo says angrily.

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"Quick! I need to think!" He said, "That's it!" So, he pressed the Omnitrix Icon and turned into Ghostfreak. It turned Ectoplasmic so that stuff can go through it. It slowly hovered towards the ground.


OoC: Ghosts can hover :P


"Ahhh, your Psychic-Type attacks don't work much on me now!"

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