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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Marcus was hidding behind a car as he pulls out his Hammer of Dawn as he slowly comes up quietly and secertly "Say bye you little creature." He said to himself as he aims at MewTwo. The laser started to beep quickly as a large laser beam comes crashing to the earth astmosphere toward Mewtwo.

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ooc: XLR8 is stuck to the ground by evil upgrade...

Mewtwododges the beam easily taking a piece of nightcrawlers hair sticking that in the machine as an evil XLR8 comes out & zooms around marcus so fast that marcus isn't receiving any oxygen. "die fool" mewtwo says casting a glare torwards amrcus.

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Macus quickly pulls out his Chainsaw Bayonet and started to rep up his chainsaw "Damn it! Gruuuaaa!" He started to cough but didn't care about it. He started rip through the Evil Upgrade as he quickly toss XLR8 out as he trys to get out himself.

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Name: Alex Mercer

Game(s) he/she is from: [Prototype]

Superpowers(If any): Alex can perform are running up the sides of skyscrapers, jumping hundreds of meters, gliding through the air and sprinting at extreme speed indefinitely. Falls do not damage the player no matter the height, but greater ones will visibly deform the ground. Alex may use various weapons, seize and control military vehicles including helicopters, perform various melee attacks without shapeshifting, as well as more gymnastic moves such as air combos, sliding along the ground using any human enemy's body and a high-speed rolling cannonball attack.


Alex's primary superpower is his ability to shapeshift parts of his body into a selection of martial implements. Offensive powers include the large and powerful Blade, fast razor-sharp Claws (which can also erupt large spikes from the ground), the telescoping Whipfist, Musclemass that augments his strength and Hammerfists. Defensive options consist of a large Shield that needs to regenerate after excessive damage, and a full-body Armor that exchanges agility and speed for sheer toughness. The most powerful Superpower is his Devastator ability. This ability requires Alex to be in Critical Mass - either a state of near-death or having excess stored biomass. He also gains a set of Supermoves. These include the Tendril Barrage, which fires impaling tendrils from his body in all directions, the Groundspike Graveyard, which erupts massive spikes from the ground all around Alex and the Critical Pain, which fires a single beam of hardened biomass from his hands to cause damage on a single target.

Picture: http://www.lomag.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/prototype-wp_3_1024x768.jpg

Weapons(If any): His body

Bio: Wakes up on a morgue slab in the basement of GENTEK, a large and influential genetic engineering company. After an encounter with several armed soldiers, Alex escapes and sets out to recover his memory and find out exactly what occurred. He soon discovers he now possesses powerful shapeshifting abilities that grant him superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, weaponry and the ability to "consume" people to gain their memories, skills and appearance. With no memory of his previous life, Alex is forced to track down and consume those related to the conspiracy in order to uncover the truth.

Side(Good or Evil): Good

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The OverMind was awakened. A powerful being just opened a portal. He needed to assimilate it. He knew it was a female, in human shape, only it wasn't a human. The OverMind decided to assimilate Flandre and make her into the swarm.


The investor found a large sum of bodies and start to mutate them by sticking his probicus into each of their heads, turning them into Slashers and Leapers. The HiveMind then told them to go kill the living to make their numbers grow....


Isaac looked watching the battle. He readied his plasma cutter, ready for anyone making a move against him. All of a sudden, the message from Nicole played.












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Flandre Then Woke up from all the Madness. She looked at Mewtwo and Charged at Him, Until- "Spell card! 'Evil Spirit: Yakumo Yukari's Spiriting Away'!". Suddenly, Mewtwo was hit with 6 Lasers and was Banished to a different Dimension with the Ditto Mewtwo, With the Evil Spirits Flying towards Evil Link.


Meanwhile, Alurius Flew his Plane low against the Hive Mind's Minions and Elin used her Plasma Scatter gun on them, Taking out Large Groups at a Time.

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The Evil Spirits Had Engulfed the Evil Link and Killed it. Yukari then Looked at the Group of oncoming Zombie-Alienish things. She Declared "Spell Card! 'Obsolete Line: Trip to the Old Station!'". She Fixed herself into a Pose, Then She opened a Massive Gap in front of her, Releasing a Train that Ran over the rest of the Zombie-Alienish things.......

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The train is lifted into the air and starts to twist. "hmm, didn't i already take you?" he asks throwing upgrade highinto the air and off of the train which then flies at Yukari. "Link is then thrown over torwards the incoming train and yukari. "it seems i should go now, i offer you this, bring back m ditto and i will leave without ending any life, now or in the future..". Nightcrawler Bamps over above Yukari tackling her and bamping away from the direction the train was going.

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"I won't let this happen!" shouted Upgrade as he went back to the train and took control over it. Lazerbeams and Cannonbolts started forming. Suddenly, gunshots and lazers were shot at Mewtwo.


That must've hurt. Technology VS a Psychic Cat thing. Hmmm...

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Mewtwo uses teleport appearing behind the train. "never learn do we he said twisting the traing into a ball itstill on collision course with Link who is about to hit it. he then curshes it into a disc it continuing it's motion still. "now i suggest you take the safe optiuon and tell that witch to bring back ditto so i'll leave".

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