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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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--ohes, yeah it didn't say so on the list, once u update it i'll try again so i don't make another mistake

Name: Yuske Yurameshi

Game(s) he/she is from: Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tourament (PS2)

Superpowers(If any): Spirit Gun, Spirit Wave, Spirit Shotgun (you've seen the show)

Picture: http://keidahattori.deviantart.com/art/Yuske-plushie-icon-83910660 (it was the only good picture, everything else is HeixKurama XD)

Weapons(If any): fists


Side(Good or Evil): Good



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OOC: Sephiroths sword is'nt a machine, upgrade can only controll machines.


IC: Sephiroth recovers from nearly having his head bitten off only to find an alien creature trying to steal his sword. "This being is'nt as weak as i thought" Thinks Sephiroth as he charges up some kind of energy. "Now creature...DIE!!!" he calmly shouts as Sephiroth slashes the creature, at that moment a blue-ish blast of energy hurls the being against a wall."Too Easy" says Sephiroth.

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Sephiroths body then freezes raised into the air slightly. the two arceuss appear either side of ben. Mewtwo floats down, "real;ly hurts your chances when your disabled from movoing doesnt it, now i suggest you walk away when i drop you" he says as sephiroth starts to fall. the arceuss charge hyperbeam attacks.

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Sephiroth was still falling when the blue-ish energy appeared again, destroying the paralysis that kept him immobile. "You're going to pay for that" says Sephiroth angrily, just then the enrgy appears again and a slash of pure energy flies forward and strikes both of the arceus' and the mewtwo, flinging them back against a wall at a very high speed.

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Mewtwo laughs as it dissappears a high pitch sound filling sephiroths head, hurting him. "your head was so easy to unlock i think i left the door open" he hear mentally. a luaghing sound fills the area as the arceuss hyperbeams both shoot hitting Sephiroth as he is tehn disableby mewtwo causing slim to null chance of avoidable the hyperbeams explosion covers the area in smoke.

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