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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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"Hahaha! I'm too heavy!" shouted Vilgax as he stood on the lake. 15-year old Ben was gone. There was 10 year old Ben left.


Ben altered himself into Ripjaws, jumped into the lake and bit Vilgax.


"Not much damage, says Vilgax, "just gimme that."


"Never," says Ripjaws. He jumps on Vilgax and starts biting him.


Soon... It was long. "Need water... Can't breathe..." said Ripjaws. He quickly turned into Stinkfly and flew away, with Vilgax holding on to his tail. They went where Alurius and elin was. In the sky.


"Grrr... Its those Alien destroyers again..." says Vilgax.

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Vilagax's arms are flun back unable to mave to touch stinkfly. "no touching the kid, or do you want to be thrown like a ragdoll?" mewtwo asks. Mewtwo floats up nearby. "foolish being m mental prowess i higher tan your physical could be".

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"pfff.. strength of the body, is less then the mind my stupid alien". mewtwo then makes vlgax curls into a ball-like shape. "see, my mental prowess is more than any beings physical cabe, just leave it to my concentration and you are at my mercy, which islittle". Mewtwo then bounces vilgax onto the ground then back up repeatedly.

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"ahh.. but it wasn't a dent i was lookign for". a screeching sound enters vilgax's head the sound slowly destroying what little brain mass he had. "you shall not be here long, you let me into your head". Vilgax spins midair as the pain fill him.

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a giant portal then opened and a very big and large ship came out of it along with a red colored bird with rainbow colored wings it was Metaknigth ship "the Halberd" and Kirby riding the mystical bird Dyna Blade* then the portal closed


ooc*:pics of the Halberd and dyna balde


modea17_080410f-l.jpgthe Halberd dynablade.jpgDyna blade

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metaknigth inside the halber started following Vilgax he then said"release the heavy lobster and send 100 blade knigths*!" a door in the back on the ship opened and a golden mechanic lobster jumped from it and it was prepared to destroy vilgax and behind Vilgax appeared a 100 blade knigth ready to battle


ooc:pics of heavy lobster and blade knigth


Heavylobster.jpgHeavy Lobster Bladeknight.pngblade knigth

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Mewtwo floats ontp of Way Bigs head. "well, i think that should give us about a week withou him" mewtwo says uninterested. Mewtwo dissappears the two Arceuss appear either side of Ben's head. the two Arceuss shoot hyperbeams in vilgax's leaving direction.

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Name:Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Game(s) he/she is from: Assasain's Creed II

Superpowers(If any):Eagle Vision

Weapons(If any): Poison Hidden Blades, Swords, Katana e.t.c.


Bio: Ezio is the ancestor of Desmond Miles. His father is killed and he is now on a journey for vengeance. The journey...to become and Assasain.

Side(Good or Evil):Good

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