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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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"fool you arn't even close to my power watch my weakest showing". the energy ball explodes destroying 5 trees easily. "you aren't even close to my power, you are weak, the only reason you bet the covenant and destroyed the ring was because they were not even anywhere ear a trying species". anotherenergy ball appears there above master chief.

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Yukari Walked out of another Tear to a different Dimension, and Saw Vilgax's Ship and Said "Him again!? I thought i Killed him!" At Which She Tore Open another Tear and a Plane Shot out of it. Elin Looked at the Massive Ship as She Readied her Plasma Scatter-gun, At which She Fired at The Ship. She fired about 30 Rounds, all Making Dents on the Ship......

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sudedly a portal oppened and Metaknigth came out of it flying very fast chargin not at kirby but at Yukari.Methaknidth then draged his sword pointing directly at Yukari and he said"YOU,YOU SEND ME TO THAT DIMENSION WHILE I WAS FIGTHING AND I HAD TO TRAVEL THROU FOUR DIFERENT DIMENSIONS TO GET HERE NOW PREPARE TO DIE!"while chargin at her prepared to stab her

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"Easy now." said Zelda, blocking Yukari from the sword with her hand. The sword didn't seem to touch her hand, but Zelda still winced a little while blocking the attack. "Yukari is a good person. She wouldn't even harm Gohma!" Zelda turned back to Yukari, hoping she won't open up random portals to random dimentions again.


Elincia and Isaac climbed Vilgax's ship... well, they hopped to the top in a few quick leaps. Elincia had Amita out, and Isaac had Gaia Blade ready. When they reached the top, Elincia punctured a hole in the metal with Amita, then Isaac opened to hole with Gaia, and Isaac chanted a few words. Suddenly, the hole opened, but by itself, twisting until it was big enough for a person to slip through it. They both jumped in, then the hole closed itself.

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"Vilgax is an Alien seeking the Omnitrix!" shouted one of the Dittoes as they charged at Vilgax when he got out. Suddenly, the Omnitrix timed out, Ben was back to himself again.


"You'll never destroy me, Tennyson, I'm more powerful than before!" the Alien said.


"A lil' help here?" Ben asked.

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"Chief?" Cortana asks anxiously. "Right." The Chief charges forward, using the speed of his armor to reach Vilgax in five seconds. Not quite as fast as Kelly, but fast enough, he thought. As soon as he reached the alien, he pulled his fist up in an uppercut, again using the armor's enhanced strength. Vilgax flies upward, and lands hard.

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