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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Name: Dimentio

Game(s) he/she is from: Super Paper Mario

Superpowers(If any): Magic' date=' can clone himself and can control Dimensions.

Picture: http://www.mariowiki.com/images/1/1b/Jester.jpg

Weapons(If any): None.


Side(Good or Evil): *Good.


*(Normally, Dimentio would be Bad. But because there something up with the Dimentions, Dimentio has decided to find the cause of it.)



ooc:so tecnically he would be neutral


ic Metaknigth continued fohting kirby then a portal opened behind them but they didnt care the portal leaded to were ben,sonic and mewtwo were as they figthed they started to destroy part of the place cutting trees making holes,etc as they passed sonic metaknigth said"get out of my way if ypu dont want to get killed by me"

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Isaac held on to Mewtwo while he was transporting, and heard everything about Portals. "I knew it!" he bellowed, feeling triumphant. "It's Alchemy. I bet you Alex is behind all this, too." He drooped his head, knowing Alex was killed a long time ago. No way he could of survived, with or without Alchemy. The Wise One even said he was dead; then again, the Wise One is a crazy maniac who used defenseless parents to create a three-headed dragon to attack Felix, but he is probably right.


Queen Elincia smiled. "And you, my blue-haired fellow, I want those shoes. I love those shoes so much, I'll give you..." Elincia searched in her pocket. A few times, she showed signs of sadness, and others happiness. Finally, with a suprized look on her face, she pulled out a crown.


"How about a Master's Crown? I never used it for years, and never will."

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Name: Master Chief (Yeah that's right)

Game(s) he/she is from: Halo 1,2,3

Superpowers(If any): MJOLNIR Armor



Weapons(If any): None, he lost em all

Bio:(Optional) The Master Chief had been drifting in space for who knows how long, but something happened. He woke up, and saw a strange portal.

Side(Good or Evil): Good


Name: Cortana

Game(s) he/she is from: Halo 1,2,3

Superpowers(If any): None



Weapons(If any): Master Chief, vast intelligence.

Bio:(Optional) Cortana had been piloting half a ship for, holy sheet she had forgotten it had been so long. A portal appeared eventually (she chose that word). Cortana woke the Chief up, hoping he could do something.

Side(Good or Evil): Good

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Name: Isaac Clarke

Game(s) he/she is from: Dead Space

Superpowers(If any):N/A (use of futuristic power tools as powerful weapons)

Picture: [spoiler=Picture of Isaac Clarke]Clarke.jpg


Weapons(If any): Line Gun, Contact Beam, Plasma Cutter, Ripper, Pulse Rifle

Bio:(Optional): An electrician sent to repair the deep space mining ship Ishimura

Side(Good or Evil): Good

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"Chief, wake up! There's something here." The Master Chief wakes up, and listens to Cortana through the overhead speakers. "A strange portal has appeared. Origin unknown, and destination unknown." The Master Chief got up. "Well," he said, "why don't we go figure out where it goes."

A hologram of Cortana flickers on a holopanel. "Alright, yank me." The Chief complies, pulling out her chip and inserting it in his Mrk. VI. He then steps through the portal. What he sees amazes him. There is a boy, with a strange device on his wrist, and some odd pink creature. "Hey," he calls out to the kid and thing. "Who are you?"

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