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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Remilia Scoured The Mansion's Basement for any way Flandre would've Escaped. But upon entering the Basement, She saw a White Portal and said "Damn it Yukari, What are you Up to now!?"......

Meanwhile Yukari Had Flown around with Alurius and Elin and Said "Fate told you to Be here perhaps, But alas, All our Worlds are in Trouble..." Bending The Border between known and Unknown, She Found out most if what she needed to know about Elin and Alurius and Said "Alurius, Elin, You need to team up with the Others to restore Order to-" Alurius objected "Please, Call me Riu"........

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Remilia Told Ben "Ben, You have to go through that Portal and Get Flandre, If something ticks her Off, It could end really badly, Unfortunately, I Cannot follow because of it still being Daytime over there. Flan Should be a Bit weaker since she was Exposed to the Sun, But in order for Me to Follow, I will need a Little Help doing So, As I Lost My Parasol and i can't find it......


Meanwhile Yukari Bent the Boundary Between The Visible and Hidden, Which Hid Alurius's and Elin's Plane from Everyone's Eyes. Flandre flew and Saw an RV, She looked at it, It was a Rusted Brown with a Blue and Red Stripe across it with any kind of Tech you can see on the top, But due to being Exposed to Sunlight, She quickly got to some shade and started to Rest.......

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Flandre looked at The Italian Plumber that Slammed the RV, She wasn't Curious because she had to keep to the Shadows.


While That was Going On, Yukari was Flying with Alurius and Elin, who are Invisible. Upon Seeing XLR8, Elin was Starting to Get Ticked Off. She Fired her Plasma Gun at XLR8, With Yukari stopping the Bullets. Yukari said to Elin "Don't, I Know that You may be uneasy looking at Aliens, but Just don't Fire your Gun at all...". Yukari Flew Down Near XLR8 and Said Glad you Got Ran's Message, Last I have sen Flandre, She was Naer the Rust Bucket...."


That, unfortunately, Meant that Flandre was in Ben's World......

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Zero just finished destroying 2 spike-ball mavericks that were attacking an innocent bystander(who was watching scaredly as 1 of the killled another solder. thes she ran. then another got in front of her before she could escape. that's when Zero came in.) when base suddenly called.

"Zero, seizmic activity is going on arround 3rd street. go check it out while we bring the innocent bystander back to base and into the infermory." "got it." Zero said, running toward 3rd street.

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Well, time to show ya some of my favs.


Name: Isaac Clarke

Game(s) he/she is from: Dead Space

Superpowers(If any): None....except one heck of a pimp hand.

Picture: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/File:Dead_Space_Ripper.jpg

Weapons(If any): Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, Contact Beam,

Bio: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Isaac

Side(Good or Evil): Good!


Name: HiveMind

Game(s) he/she is from: Dead Space and Dead Space Extraction

Superpowers(If any): Control over the nercomorphs....

Picture: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/File:Hive_mind_stage_1.JPG

Weapons(If any): Giant Tentacles, Nercomorphs, Biorganic Bombs, Teeth....Really big teeth.

Bio: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hive_Mind

Side(Good or Evil): Evil!


Name: The OverMind (1st one)

Game(s) he/she is from: StarCraft

Superpowers(If any): Control over the Zerg Swarm, powerful psychic powers, near immortality.

Picture: http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/File:Overmind_SC1_Game1.jpg

Weapons(If any): Psychic Powers.


Side(Good or Evil): Evil....


Name: Tassadar

Game(s) he/she is from: Starcraft

Superpowers(If any): Psychic powers.

Picture: 180px-Tassadar_SC1_Art1.jpg

Weapons(If any): Psychic Powers, Psy Blades, Regular Templar and Dark Templar energy, A carrier.

Bio: http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Tassadar

Side(Good or Evil): Good.


Name: Random Brute

Game(s) he/she is from: Dead Space and Dead Space Extraction

Superpowers(If any): Super human strength....and thats all.

Picture: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/File:Brute_comcept.jpg

Weapons(If any): Bio Bombs...Massive arms.....

Side(Good or Evil): Evil.

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"looks like there's been some seizmic activity alright. looks like a TORNADO ran through here! hey, X! X? whatcha lookin' at?" X points to what he was looking at, sppechless. "woah... alia... i think i found what's been causing the seizmic activity..." "well? what is it then?" "looks like some huge portal..." "well that's strange. go in there and see what's inside!" "gotcha..." they entered the portal as commanded.

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Name: Marcus Fenix

Game(s) he/she is from: Gears or War Seires

Superpowers(If any): N/A



Weapons(If any): Chainsaw Bayonet, Scorcher ((Flame Thrower)), Hammer of Dawn, and Torque Bow.

Bio:Marcus was born 21 years before E-Day to Elaine Fenix (a doctor) and Adam Fenix (a scientist and ex-COG Officer). At age 9 he was sent to Olafson Intermediate School by his parents in order to "mix with people". He became fast friends with Carlos Santiago, and his younger brother, Dominic. A few years later, Marcus' mother mysteriously disappeared, leaving Marcus with a severe traumatic effect. His only refuge was with the Santiago Family, as his father was preoccupied with unknown affiliations. Marcus joined the COG as an infantry soldier four years before E-Day after his best friend Carlos at age 17 against his fathers wishes, who wanted Marcus to be a scientist.

Side(Good or Evil): Good

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[Hi i enter ^^]


[spoiler= CHARTS]


Name: Vivi (MALE)

Game(s) he/she is from: Final Fantasy 9 (IX)

Superpowers(If any): Black Magic¡

Picture: $JisukCho$-ff9-vivi-20040518.jpg

Weapons(If any): Its.... wood thing?

Bio:(Optional) :

Side(Good or Evil): Good




Name: Nanaki/ Red XIII

Game(s) he/she is from: Final Fantasy 7 (VII)

Superpowers(If any): Magic

Picture: orkaboy-01.jpg

Weapons(If any): Claws


Side(Good or Evil): Evil... so evil....




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"woah! it actually worked! hey X, check this out! an actuall working portal!" "oh yeah, ive seen one of these on one of my missions. an interdimensional portal leading to another dimension. typical. probably a trap." X said without emotion. "but, if you insist..." they passed through the portal.

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(OOC: where do I go or what?)


Nanaki looked at vivi with a bit of confusion, it was told that FF had places for each of the series.


"Uh... do you talk?" Asked vivi while looking at the creature that looked like a lion, What they smoked to make this guy thought Vivi, Nanaki thought the same, but he just answered " Ok... this guys need to send me to gaia becouse here is not enough space for us 2", Nanaki had been a bit Glamorous after they beat Seph... but he inside was still a cute puppy, really really deep inside

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OoC: Uh... maybe i would like to met someone.... ok



Vivi was been hurt by the comment, "SHUTUP DOG¡" he shouted, Nanaki donst liked the "Dog" name, "IM NOT A DOG¡ YOU ARE A DOG¡", and they started fighting against each other, but...


"DoomsDay¡" Both shouted... the powerfull meteor of Doomsday spell started to emerge, creating the energy a portal just below them both, making them fall to another place... a unknown place...

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"AAAAHHHH" both shouted, they hugged eachother such as little kids while falling, there was something extrange in the ground, what it could be?




They both slammed in the ground, fainting a while... but maybe someone would find them


(OoC: hmm... somebody save me from being alone, XD)

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Vivi snapped out of the faint first "Uh... " started to say, "T-thats a hume?" asked to Nanaki, it wasnt still waked up, but he felt better, "What was the spell..." said as it took out a book...


"Aira... Fira... Aqua... HOLY¡" named Vivi the spells... as began to cast holy, the ligth appeared... maybe he wasnt still enough waked

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