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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Yukari Said "Gee Vilgax, You are not Invincible, You were defeated by this Boy, and Now, You will Die by my hand as well, Spell Card! Yukari's Arcanum: Danmaku Bounded Field!" At which Yukari Disappears.... Then Suddenly 153620374658716 Rectangular Bullets Shot From all over the Place Straight at Vilgax, Phasing through Ben and Mewtwo......

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ooc: umm yure in a dif dimension with the prooper mewtwo's body XD


IC: Vilgax is suddenly surrdounded by darkness, a blinding light coming from mewtwo. "timefor this go" he says blassting a blue-ish white ball at vilgax it sparking electricity.

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(> Yukari is Actually able to Fire her Danmaku from Anywhere due to her ability to Manipulate Boundaries, so you might want to Consider that Before <)


Suddenly, A Tear Appeared as the Vilgasketball fell into it, The Fell out of a Tear on top of the Tear Falling into the Tear, Causing him to Fall very Fast until Yukari Closed the Bottom tear and Slammed him into the Floor, Tearing the Hull to Bits.....

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Yukari then Said "You think I am a Simple Human? I am More than That, I am a Youkai!". Suddenly, A Tear opened up and Yukari Said "The Powers I had should Have hinted to you that you are not the Most Powerful Being, Idiot! Spell Card! Bounded Field: Mesh of Light and Darkness!" Suddenly, Lasers Shot From Everywhere at Vilgax, Which also Made a Mesh "But then again, I could always Sic Flandre on you...."

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i will join


Name:megaman (the original one)

Game(s) he/she is from:megaman 1-9

Superpowers(If any):can copy the ability of other robots


Weapons(If any):megam buster


Side(Good or Evil):good



game(s) he/she is from:kirby series

superpowers(if any):can swallow almost everytihng and copy that thing ability(example:he eats sonic he gains super speed,mario:can trow firballs,etc.)




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After megaman destroy one of dr. Wily robot master he is ready to teleport back to dr. Ligth lab


Megaman:im ready to tele-


then sudendly a portal opens under him and falls in front of Vilgax.


Meanwhile in Dreamland kirby is walking happyli then he see a very tasty looking fruit he start running to eat it but a portal opens under him before he can even grab it and falls in front of Yukari.



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Yukari then said To the Air "Hey Remilia, Can i borrow Flandre For a Bit, Some idiot wants to Play a Little Game with her". Before She had Created a Portal For Flandre, she had Seen Megaman and Kirby. With that, She Created a Tear Underneath Them and They Both Landed Somewhere else. suddenly Flandre Flies out of the Portal, Then after Saying "Spell card! Taboo: 4 of a Kind!", She Split Into 4. One of the Flandre Clones Scoped To Vilgax, and did Various things to see how Annoyed He would get......

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mewtwo's psychic shield appears around him as he goes throuh the prtal following the kirby and megaman. "hello, now state your identities, give DNA sample and ill be glad not to kill youn today.. thanks". he says a small ball of light hoering around him.

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i will join


Name:megaman (the original one)

Game(s) he/she is from:megaman 1-9

Superpowers(If any):can copy the ability of other robots


Weapons(If any):megam buster


Side(Good or Evil):good



game(s) he/she is from:kirby series

superpowers(if any):can swallow almost everytihng and copy that thing ability(example:he eats sonic he gains super speed' date='mario:can trow firballs,etc.)





good thing you found a loophole for megaman there. i already have X.

char. add (final add.)


Name: grunt bot

game(s) he/she is from: Sonic Unleashed

superpowers(if any): can appear from out of nowhere and come in small ammounts (note: some have spring shields, some have shock shields and some have no shield)

picture: Su_enemy_1.jpg

Weapons(If any):big sword thing


Side(Good or Evil): evil

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