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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Mewtwo laughs at ben. "prove it kid, i bet nothing there will even make me flinch" he says lightly. Arceus slwoly retreats back on the island ging through the aura without trouble. "i've been able to modify the aura, kid you and the girls may now enter though the aura".

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"Errr... I'm not floating out of site, I'm getting outta here."


Meanwhile, somewhere in Outer Space...


"Where is that Earth boy? I want my revenge!" said Vilgax


"I scanned the whole universe, I suspect he's in another Dimension."


"How can this be? Go to that Dimension Immediately"


"Yes sir"


(Vilgax says nothing)


"He is on the Earth of this dimension."


"Lets go."


So, Vilgax's ship approaches Earth.

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"Ooo, look, a ship!" Zelda yelled to the crowd, "And it has a fancy V on it!" Zelda looked exited to see the ship, but has no idea who was inside. She had always liked visitors, but half of them were usually someone trying to take the castle. She hoped it would be a happy reunion for at least one person here.


Isaac put on some weird boots, and hovered to the island. The boots created a symbol under his feet when Isaac rose, a pentagram to be exact. He seemed to be doing nothing at all to make it move, giving the impression that it was automatic.

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Yukari Then Looked at the Ship, and Said "Looks like He's Screwed.... Because Here Comes Elin". Suddenly, The Wooden Plane Flies Near the Ship while Elin Fires Her Plasma Wafer, Creating Massive Dents In the Hull of Vilgax's Ship. Then Yukari Opened Up a Tear to a Different Dimension and Said to Mewtwo "Come on, We have some work to do...." at which Yukari enters the Portal........

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"you Humans cannot stop me! I am here for The Omnitrix and nothing more!"


Ben arrives, with his Omnitrix red. It suddenly becomes green.


"Its Time for four arms of Fun!"


Instead, he turned into Upgrade.


"Awww Man, this always has to happen."


Upgrade fired a Laserbeam at Vilgax.


"The Omnitrix, must be mine! i must have my revenge, Tennyson!" said Vilgax. He was still there.

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Mewtwo follows psychic aura around him as he doesn't trust inter-dimensional movement. "so what kind of work is this?"he asks yukari. Arceus Blasts a Large hyperbeam into Vilgax's cheast taking him by suprise knocking vilagx off his feet the force sending vilagx through a quarter of the nearby forest through all the trees in his way. Arceus glows attracting upgrades attention then point head at the portal.

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Both arceus' run over to ben and drag him back torwards the portal they glow light purple.they then point their heads torwards the portal ben hearing mewtwo say "don't make me get em to push you in kid, get in here, theyll take care of the freak" the glow dissappearing from arceus as they watch ben.

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"He's after me, not you. He wants the Omnitrix."


"Oh great, so you are gonna stop me? Impossible! I'll go somewhere else on this planet and I'll be back!" says Vilgax, returning to his ship and finding somewhere else to plot his evil plans.


"Go buy your own from Ebay!" shouted Upgrade as Vilgax got away.


"Hmm... I can't buy one from Ebay... I must have the real one! The original one that Azmuth created!"

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ooc: only ben could hearmewtwos in a dif dimension and was psychically talking XD


IC: both arceus start to push ben in the portal. mewtwo's voice heard as they glow "just hurry up kid, he's no match so come through now". They stop glowing and continue pushing with their heads.

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theomnitrix's button squashes a mewtwo-like body apearing ben floating inside a purple barrier with mewtwo (lol alien X spoof). "you have this body, yet the thought islinked and movement must be agreed on, you move ill handles the powers". Vilagx is then lifted into the air a psychic ball curshing him.

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