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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Remilia Manipulated Fate On Flandre So that She Slipped out of the Attack Very Easily. Then Yukari Saw The horde of Pokemon Clones, She Then Said "Flandre......" At which Flandre Rose up to The Air and Uttered "Spell Card! Deletion: 'Nameless Spell'" At which She fired a Small Beam slashing through the Army of Pokeclones, Then Wherever the Beam had Hit, Exploded, And the Explosion was So Powerful, It had Vaporized 90% of the Army.


(> A Little Warning, If the Other Characters start getting OPed, Like Mewtwo, 3 of My Characters start Abusing their Spellcards, Alurius and Elin just Keep on getting Powerful as the RP Goes on <)

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Mewtwo makes a large shield of psychic energy around the remainder of his army jettisonin it down to near the mansion and him. "hmm..you are quite a powerful one, i may consider a truce with thee right now?". mewtwo takes the armour of teleporting it somewhere.

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OoC: My Aliens are also gonna get oped.


Ben dodged X's and Zero's Attacks.


"C'mon, quick, anything Fourarms, Upgrade, Ripjaws, C'mon..."


When Ben pressed his Omnitrix, he turned into Upgrade. Upgrade fired a laserbeam at Mewtwo and the remaining Army. The beam was so strong, it vaporised the rest of the army.


Upgrade looked around to see if there were any mechanisms to take control over.

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ooc: WTH... you obliterate when im trying to make a truce how unfair T.T


IC: Mewtwo turns in wrath torwards upgrade. putting hismetal suit back on his power amplified he holds upgrade in a small basketball shape.he then throws him over to Zero and X. "take care of this fool until i'm finished talking camyou two" mewtwo say psychically to the then removing his armour looking back at Fladre and Yukari.

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Upgrade uses his Liquid Metal Body to control both Zero and X.


"Wow, I can control more than one thing at a time!" shouted Ben. The Upgrade-controlled Zero and X launched stuff at Mewtwo.


OoC: Not godmodding, That's Upgrade's powers.


"Bullseye!" they shouted they then shot lasers through their eyes, straight at Mewtwo. Since Upgrade "Upgrades" Power, it hurt Mewtwo even more than ever.


"Ma boi, this battle is what True Warriors Strive for! You must die! Don't hurt my friends or else..."

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Yukari then Said to Mewtwo "I already have Someone that Hates Aliens Anyway, But you might want to Take Cover, Because They Are coming Back, and you might look a bit Alien to them". Suddenly, Alurius and Elin Fly over Yukari in an Airplane, Elin Firing her Plasma Wafer, Alurius Firing His Bazooka, And Some Strange Figure On Board, Waving Her Staff and Suddenly, 2 Giant Balls of Fire Shot out of the Staff, All Aiming at Upgrade, X, and Zero.........

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Mewtwo puts the metal armour on making a done of psychic energy and he pushes underground. "ok, just keep the boy from attacking me and i'll try not to throw him anywhere hurtfull..". Mewtwo has a small machine with him looking for a way to protect himself with it he sets it under him is making a large reactor shield. "perfect" he mutters thaking the armour and psychic shield off.

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