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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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Alex was just standing there stareing at everyone as he morph his arm back to normal "Grr!" He hissed. He always missed a good fight but trys to stay cool for now "Alway missing a fight." He turns around and took a couple of steps forward placing his hands into his jacket pocket.

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Zelda's Triforce gleamed, and she appeared right where she was before Catastrophe ever happened.


"You also underestimated Catastrophe." Zelda said, pointing to the sky. Elincia decided to join too. "And my Goddess! Your foolishness will not be tolerated!" Elincia took out her Amita, then charged at Yukari.


Catastrophe then swooped down. As he passed, time stopped within his aura, and reversed back 7 years ago. The air was cleaner, but the time period quickly changed back to present, making it a little more polluted. The Amita also seemed to revert the field, anything it touched got distorted, but re-organized itself again in a quick fasion.


Zelda focused on the island. She formed a triangle with only her fingers, and a grayish aura filled the triangle. Peering through it, she looked unside the dark aura, but could find nothing, her vision was distorted. Maybe Isaac could clean it?


Isaac was getting healed by the Sanctuary Guy. When he was done, Isaac went outside, to find himself in Crimea.


"What the f***? Why am I here? The last Sanctuary I went to was not here!"

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Yukari Engulfed herself with a Tear to a Different Dimension, Then another Tear opened up and A Bunch of Butterflies Shot out of It, But they weren't Ordinary Butterflies, Some of them Hit Zelda and Exploded as if it was a normal Magic Bullet. Then the Tear Closed, Then Another Tear Opened, This time, Knives Shot out of the Tear and At Zelda again......

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Zelda was blinded and a little confused by the butterflies, but knew to dodge the knifes. Well, the lethal ones, anyway. A cut, not too deep, but singing with pain, was on her right arm, and a deep cut, but not very wide, that wasn't going to hurt until later, was made on her left leg. Zelda cried out in pain, then Elincia stopped charging.


"Zelda, stay still, please." Elincia said as she took out a staff and healed Zelda, but not fully. The cuts were shill there, but they weren't bleeding anymore. Elincia patted Zelda on the back, and said, "If Rhys was here, you'd be 10 times as strong as before." Elincia said sarcastically, and they both smiled.


Issac crossed two seas and 3 game borders (in game time: 0:30:25), and finally reached the right realm. Now all he had to do was look for...


"What! Who stole my Djynn! Zelda!"


Zelda sneezed, and felt for the Djynn. Now he finds out 2 months after I stole them. How ignorant of him.

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After a while of Flandre floating through the aura she appears to be floating downwards coming out the point she went in it. Mewtwo appears above her looking down. "you shall not enter that easily there's a dimensional void there you know?" he says kinda irritated as he drops a Machamp with weird markings on it down onto the ground near the mansion. Mewtwo dissappears the Machamp runs into a forest destroying trees as i tries to find the flute mewtwo wants.

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Machamp stomps out of the forest standing near ben, in one hand a special flute. Machamp throws ben aside as it's then lifted up by mewtwos psychic powers. mewtwo and it appear in the island. Mewtwo uses the flute to summon arceus plucking a few hairs then using disable not able to hold it long he drops it in flandre's mansion where it causes considerable damage in it's range, mewtwo dissappears before it realizes and makes two clones from the hair he took. "now i have the god pokemon doubled and both the deities they can't stop me now".

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Yukari then said "Zelda, Whoever you 2 are, Stop Fighting, we have Bigger Problems"


Remilia Then Saw the Arceus Coming at Her, But She Simply Manipulated Fate, causing it to Crash Beside her, While Flandre Spawned an eye In her Hand, while Firing a Ruthless Tyrant at Mewtwo, which consisted as a Pair of Yellow Rings Crisscrossing Each other, While Remilia Created a Spear in her Hand.....

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the yellow rings fly back after entering the black aura. an arceus with weird black markings appears outside the island. it Uses hyper beam torwards Ben. the original rampaging uses Spacial Rend Sending Remilia inside the spear she held.


ooc: lol fail the black aura turns stuff around that go through and they go back out

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Ben's Omnitrix turns Green. He quickly attempts to change into Ghostfreak, but instead, he changes into Upgrade.


Upgrade "melted" onto the ground to avoid the Hyper Beam. He then used his liquid Metal Body to go into the spear and came out with Remilia, just like how he got into a Videogame last time and got out.


"I saved you, Remilia."

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Unfortunately, As the Ruthless Tyrant was Redirected, Both Rings Exploded. The Force of the Explosion was So Powerful, That it Not only Dispelled the Dark Aura, But it had destroyed the Island altogether, and Even Injuring Mewtwo in The Process.


Remilia Manipulated Fate so the Mansion wasn't Destroyed From Flandre's Ruthless Tyrant


Yukari Shot out of a Tear behind Dark Arceus Activated a Spellcard "Spell card! Boundary Sign: Boundary Between Wave and Particle", Charging at the Dark Arceus with A Massive Wave of Bullets Firing at it


(> Yes, Flandre and Remilia are that Powerful <)

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"I think maybe we could help?" they all said in unison.


"Blessed Goddess of Wisdom, grant me the power to see!" Zelda uttered, her Triforce gleaming.

"Blessed Goddes in the Heavens, grant me the power to rule!" Elincia followed, her voice shaking with memories.

"Blessed Lighthouses of Alchemy! Bring me your might! Join on the mountian, and grant us the power of life!" Isaac blurted, to finish the statement.


But nothing happened. Or, at least, it seemed that nothing happened.


"Hmmm, I see." Isaac drooped his head. "Well then, nothing else to do, but to fight! I still think Iris would've been fun..."

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the mewtwo drops to the ground as a ditto fatally wounded. Mewtwo appears Beside Yukari blasting her aside with a dark ball. the metal suit on mewtwo amplyfies his psychic powers now Flandre being crushed torwards the ground, parts of the ground breaking away as she ispushed down. "you want a war! well here it is" he roars as hundreds of cloned pokemon appear, each with a ditto in mewtwo from next to them. a Second Arceus uses Spacial Rend a Giant Spear falling just above ben. a Machamp with metal gloves grabs Alex. it chokes him with two arms holding him still with the other two. Nightcrawler appears near the mansion battling against a Dragonite trying to destroy the mansion, "hmm.. think we can take them?" he asks ben as he pulls out his sword with his tail.

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