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The Videogame Worlds Collide (Advanced/Accepting by Post/Started)


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R That's a great way to die! R


Isaac was planning to strike at Yukari, but something made him think twice about it. It was dishonourable, firstly, but also, he seemed no motive in attacking something he barely even knows about. Instead, he sheathed his blade, and Issac walked back into the shadows.

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Here's my new char-


Name- A.B.A

Game- Guilty Gear

Pic- [spoiler=A.B.A] A_B_A_by_bluemonika.jpg


Powers- Enchantments (Uses blood as magic)

Weapons- Giant key (Paracelsus), smaller keys, blood

Bio- A girl created in a lab. She searches for a body for her husband Paracelsus, and will go whatever length it takes to do so.

Side- Neutral (She's not bad, but not good either...)

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ooc: sorry, i didn't quite get what one and i thought it was yukari on it..


IC: Mewtwo and palkia dissappear returning to their island above flandres mansion. Dialga skips the whole island forwards in time it dissappears from the current timezone to reappear in the future. Mewtwo retreats to the building making a machine from metal and wires at the corner of his lab.

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Link was walking when he saw ben


"Hi, Ben Tennson, good to see the face of a friend"he said



Strygwyr felt a strong smell of blood that demension when he arrived he saw Ash on the floor dead.

"Why waste so much blood?" he said and began to drink the blood

when he finished drinking the blood felt his strength increase

"I feel the power, the power of the blood," he shouted but there was no one to listen

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To answer Link's welcome, Zelda hugged him from behind. "Link!" she yelled, then Queen Elincia appeared behind Zelda. "C'mon, Zelda, we still need to discuss some things first.


"I can get you to the real world." Isaac walked into the group. "But it's gonna be one hell of a ride!"

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Link could not hear Zelda, but saw the arrival of Isaac



Strygwyr found a portal that led him to a street, there he saw a girl with a strange key.

He did not attack anyone because he was satisfied after drinking the blood of Ash and also because he did not want more attention

He began to follow the girl without her noticing

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Isaac revived at the last Sanctuary he went to.


Queen Elincia then spoke up, "Yukari, that was not nice of you." Zelda facepalmed herself, she knew Elincia would probably say that. She then took out the Dyjnn she managed to steal from Isaac, then said, "Catastrophe!"


The screen then changed to a wierd figure holding a sword while floating in the air above them. He aimed the tip of the sword to the ground, then unleashed a powerful purple ray from the sword straight at Yukari. "Next is Iris," Zelda said, taking back the Dyjnn, "and you don't want to get her mad."

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Yukari then Sighed and Said "Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, You shouldn't underestimate me. I could kill even Elincia with a snap of a finger, Remilia Burst out of the Mansion with a Parasol and Said "She's Right you know, She has a grip of any boundary you can think of" Yukari Tore open a Boundary and it Swallowed the entire Purple Ray......

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"Oh great? Now what do I do? Its time for Four Arms of Fun!" said Ben. He quickly used his Omnitrix to turn into Fourarms, but instead, he turned into Wildvine.


"What? Wildvine? Nevermind."


Wildvine threw explosive pods at Zelda. They... well... Exploded.


"Hmmm... Maybe Wildvine was a wiser choice."

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Mewtwo finishes the device fitting it with explosives his island returns to the current time. "i shall see what they think of this present". Mewtwo appears outside the black aura dropping it then dissappearing back onto his island. "hmm.. who shall i send for the flute?" he asks himself quietly.

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