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Wild Jigglypuff Appeared! Ask it a question!


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  'Jigglypuff said:

Can I record a song from you?

Yes' date=' and play it when you want to sleep


Will you ever Evolve into a Wigglytuff?

Nah, I like being a Jiggly

  'chase1600 said:

did u know ur hollow on the inside? jigglypuff bcuz ur a balloon

The cheek! I am not a balloon!


Who would win?

Jigglypuff or Kirby?

Battle of the pink puffballs eh? But Jigglypuff'd win :)


Who would win?

Jigglypuff or Kirby?

kirby duh why are you pink?

Why are you not pink?


why do you and clefairy have so much things in common. both evolve by moon stone' date=' both get evolved by friendship, both pink.


We both come from the moon.

the pokedex says otherwise jigglypuff

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  '~~Matrix~~ said:

I choose you Lapras use Sheer Cold' date=' how will you re-act?


Use sing, make you fall asleep.

Then use some random attack.

  'Blade Yuki said:

Seaks up from behind whith net. ha a jiglipuff!!! uses net. runs like hell!!


will you try and run after me ~~Matrix~~??


Jiglipuff Will you help me sleep at night with your singing??!!!

puu' date=' pu pu puu, pu puu, puu, puu, pu pu puu, puu puu.[/b']



Lapras use Surf

He's asleep.

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  'Jigglypuff said:

I choose you Lapras use Sheer Cold' date=' how will you re-act?


Use sing, make you fall asleep.

Then use some random attack.

  'Blade Yuki said:

Seaks up from behind whith net. ha a jiglipuff!!! uses net. runs like hell!!


will you try and run after me ~~Matrix~~??


Jiglipuff Will you help me sleep at night with your singing??!!!

puu' date=' pu pu puu, pu puu, puu, puu, pu pu puu, puu puu.[/b']



Lapras use Surf

He's asleep.



My lapras can use sing, you could do a duet <.<

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  '~~Matrix~~ said:

I choose you Lapras use Sheer Cold' date=' how will you re-act?


Use sing, make you fall asleep.

Then use some random attack.

  'Blade Yuki said:

Seaks up from behind whith net. ha a jiglipuff!!! uses net. runs like hell!!


will you try and run after me ~~Matrix~~??


Jiglipuff Will you help me sleep at night with your singing??!!!

puu' date=' pu pu puu, pu puu, puu, puu, pu pu puu, puu puu.[/b']


  '~~Matrix~~ said:

Lapras use Surf

He's asleep.



My lapras can use sing' date=' you could do a duet <.<



  '~Vampiress~ said:




well' date=' my flygon can use hyper beam and it does and I use a masterball.


F***! I'm caught! LET ME OUT OF HERE!


my vigoroth used uproar what will youd o now (uproar keeps vigoroth awake)


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