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Wild Jigglypuff Appeared! Ask it a question!


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good then they will have no idea wtf happened to you *cocks ma shotgun* any last words jigglypuff

I'll sing at you and make you fall asleep' date=' then I'll kill you.

which is better pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh ?

Pokemon games are better, but otherwise Yu-Gi-Oh.

What if I asked REALLY REALLY nicely?

I would give you a nice pretty song...


I probably already have it downloaded...

What if I threw a masterball?

You'd catch me.


U liekz Mudkipz?

A bit

What would you do if you had the Omnitrix?

The what?

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Can I record a song from you?

Yes' date=' and play it when you want to sleep

Will you ever Evolve into a Wigglytuff?

Nah, I like being a Jiggly

did u know ur hollow on the inside? jigglypuff bcuz ur a balloon

The cheek! I am not a balloon!

Who would win?

Jigglypuff or Kirby?

Battle of the pink puffballs eh? But Jigglypuff'd win :)

Who would win?

Jigglypuff or Kirby?

kirby duh why are you pink?

Why are you not pink?

why do you and clefairy have so much things in common. both evolve by moon stone' date=' both get evolved by friendship, both pink.


We both come from the moon.

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does 1 + 1=10

On a thunday

Why is the title such epic win?

is it?

why are you epic win?

am I?

am i epic win?


am i annoying you?

not yet

how about now?

now you are

and now?

and now?

and now?

are you actually going to waste your time and answer all these questions?


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