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Enma Kozato

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this is a place for those who has invented moderately sucsessful new types

I for one invented Infra monsters if any of you have heard of them

and i reccently invented Invert monsters which im testing

Here we discuss the following:

1. Good Ideas for new types

2. good stuff people have already made

3. random stuff to make the time go by

I am a FTK i admit but i dont mind if the FTR comes here everyone is welcome

Imaz gonna now add that u makes a mem card for this for no apparent reason just for the fact that mem cards look kika** so ill make mine and then everyone else will

[spoiler=members]Me Chase1600, Bassa2, Kailyn, DarkLink, Deustodo


[spoiler=invented types] Infras,Inverts,H.S., Synch


[spoiler=mem cards (in progress so no cards gonna get posted yet)]


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