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Land of Jenova[Advanced]{Always Accepting}


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Ic: I think that im the only ennemy here :/




Ooc : Keino was training with his sword like he does everyday , when a general came and called him , "Yes whats wrong" said Keino , "King Trace called you you need to see him immidiatly!" Keino was happy "haha mayby he gonna send me for something" after that he entred the throne room , Keino was looking around , the whole room was huge! He saw the king and bow down for him , "Yes my lord" said Keino . "I want that you go outside and hunt those people with special abilities, i saw you fighting and im really impressed " after those words Keino were proud of it. "Yes lord! I leave now!" and he ran outside to his house. He took his blade and his armour and some food and left the city.

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Gabriel awoken with bandages on him. A soldier saw him and yell at another solider. A few second later, soldiers surround Gabriel thanking him, but was afraid they had to turn him in. This problem begin to rise until the lady came. "I told you to go. Why didn't you listen?" Gabriel smiled. "I not going to leave when they something I can do. Besides I can't let a pretty lady die after breaking the shackles off me." Gabriel rose his arms and notice that shackles was on him. "By order of the king's order, All people are forbidden to use magic. If anyone is seen they are to be capture and taken to him. I sorry." The lady left as the soldiers follow her mumbling. Gabriel noticed movement and realize he was in a cart train. "I really need to stop being so nice." Gabriel fully rose his arms and noticed that he wasn't attach to anything. "What the?!?!" Gabriel also saw a knife on a plate. "Oh, I see. I must thanks them again for thanking me."

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~Ok, here's my app.

Name: Emil Castangier

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Weapon: 2 katanas, Bastard Sword, whatever he sword he wants at the moment.

Abbility(optional): Multiplication technicue (basicly Kage Buushin) and Dark powers



Personality: Smart, kind, asserive, and badass

Crush: None yet.

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The lady and the remaining soldiers made it to the castle. They told of their almost defeat until they was rescued by a boy. The castle solider look in the cart and stated no one was there. The lady order a full search to look for him knowing that she planned this from the start. A messenger came in front of her and told her that the king would like to speak to her.

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Emil looked over the city. Wll, I guess its time to go... he thought as he walked down the hill to the city of Pariim. His thoughts suddenly went back to his day in the army, fighting in the Blood Purge. He remembered a few people who he knew survived. Zetro, a boy who joied the army at the age of 10 and avoided death by attacking his enemies from behind. Hyeaver, one of the commanding officers. He was an old soldeir, who had still resisted the king. And Griffin, an annoying boy abot the same age as Emil, who had a strange ability to convert his nergy into a solid steel weapon. I wonder if any if them are still alive.

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Keino walking to a city , where there should be some people with "special" abilities hidding . WHen he suddently saw a boy walking. He observed the boy . He was a bit weird , red eyes , 3 swords.... "What do you gonna do with all those swords " said he laughing.

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ooc: Pretty much the same before you left.


Gabriel was sitting near a tree still wrap in bandages. "I surely need to rest here." He close his eyes and thought of that lady. "I want to find out more about you."


The lady enter the throne room and bow. "Yes, my liege." The stood up and pull out his sword. The lady stiffen thinking he knew. In a instant, his blade was already touches both of her shoulder before he pull it away from here. "I heard what happen. I must say you did well, Captain Leia or should I say General." Leia rose hear head. "Thank you, my liege!" The king stood there. "I sending you out on the mission with the best scout to capture this mage. He must be siezed." Leia suddenly turn ill. The king smiled. "I know he save your life and that you was bound to pay him back, but now it the time to uphold the law."

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