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~Ask The Being From Under Your Bed A Question~


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What's (4000x82340) +79' date='087-(2+7)*86+(6+45)-90?


*= divided by



*Uses a Monster World Calculator*

Its equal to 400 Snot Flies and 76 Poo Bugs


Your a monster and you don't even know how to use a MWC?


Real answer is 320 snot fies and 212 Poo Bugs.

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Why the heck are you under my bed?


The temperature is pretty nice' date=' its my home + I'm the one who steals your stash of snacks. -.-




I'm assuming by stash of snacks, you are referring to magic junk, as that's all there is lying around my room. :)


They're my favv. snacks. 0_o


What's (4000x82340) +79' date='087-(2+7)*86+(6+45)-90?


*= divided by



*Uses a Monster World Calculator*

Its equal to 400 Snot Flies and 76 Poo Bugs


Your a monster and you don't even know how to use a MWC?


Real answer is 320 snot fies and 212 Poo Bugs.


I'm using a Scientific Monster World Calculator.

Will you eat me 0_O?


Later, I'm full right now. *burp*

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