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Speed Monsters

Lightning Bagon

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[align=center]Chung, Beast Of Speed WIND


[beast / Speed]

This card can only be Summoned when there is a face- up "Speed World" or "Speed World 2". When this card is Summoned this card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase.


Donated cards:

Blaine, the Warrior of Speed WIND

4/ 2400/ 800


This monster can only be summoned when there is a face - up "Speed World" or "Speed World 2" on the field. This monster can attack your opponent directly. If this card attacks your opponent directly half the orginal attack for this attack.


Skull Biker


Level 3

Fiend / Speed / Tuner

Effect: This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. When this card deals battle damage to your opponent's life points, gain 1 Speed Counter.

ATK: 1400

DEF: 1100


Hot Rod Runner


Level 4

Machine / Speed / Effect

Effect: This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. While your opponent does not control a face-up attack position monster, your opponent cannot gain Speed Counters during his standby phase.

ATK: 1700

DEF: 1350


Darkblaze Burner


Level 7

Machine / Speed / Synchro

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner Speed monsters.

This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. If you have more Speed Counters than your opponent, this monster gains ATK equal to the difference x 500 during the damage step. Your opponent cannot activate Speed Spells that cause him/her to pay Speed Counters.

ATK: 2300

DEF: 2600[/align]

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If I may be so bold as to create one or two of my own?


Skull Biker


Level 3

Fiend / Speed / Tuner

Effect: This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. When this card deals battle damage to your opponent's life points, gain 1 Speed Counter.

ATK: 1400

DEF: 1100


Hot Rod Runner


Level 4

Machine / Speed / Effect

Effect: This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. While your opponent does not control a face-up attack position monster, your opponent cannot gain Speed Counters during his standby phase.

ATK: 1700

DEF: 1350


Darkblaze Burner


Level 7

Machine / Speed / Synchro

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner Speed monsters.

This card can only be summoned when a Field Spell Card with "Speed World" in the name is in play. If you have more Speed Counters than your opponent, this monster gains ATK equal to the difference x 500 during the damage step. Your opponent cannot activate Speed Spells that cause him/her to pay Speed Counters.

ATK: 2300

DEF: 2600

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